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The first semester of my program, I went over my compass test results. 92/100 for writing, 43/100 for math (yikes!) Does anyone else LOVE to write and/or hate math? I would fall asleep during math class in high school from pure boredom, which obviously didn't pay off very well 😂 However, I have always enjoyed reading and writing from age 8 and up.

I could never understand other people's excitement and passion for math. For me, it's the most mundane and boring subject ever. To each their own though!

vjohnson51 7 Dec 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I love mathematics for two reasons. ( 1 ) The patterns are beautiful. ( 2 ) I find it incredibly useful when solving real-life problems.


So, if you have a pie, and you cut it in eight pieces, and each piece is four inches across, what do you have?

A square pie? 😀


Math. Hmm. Look at it as a tool rather than something you enjoy. You will find it handy in the future.
I have a friend who is 28 and doesn't know what PIE is.
I did poorly in Math in HS , but when I was in the USAF electronic school, it was a breeze.


In college I did crossword puzzles in math class to keep my mind from drifting.


Looks like I am the odd one here. I love to read and manage to read just about anything including technical items. I have never been a great writer and in school essay questions and spelling were my biggest downfall. I have gotten better over the years but still struggle at times. Never use a paragraph when bullets will

Math though, I have no issues at all. I do extensive work with Excel and data and find it almost second nature. Once I understand the dataset I am able to work it however required. Building complex equations can actually be rewarding....I did say I was the odd one.


Yep. I love writing but have never enjoyed numbers. This semester ALL three of my classes are numbers, formulas, and Excel heavy. I can’t WAIT until it’s over!


I’m with you, math has always been like Greek to me. Especially the more advanced forms like calculus, algebra and trigonometry. I failed my last two years in high school math, just didn’t open a book. Kept me from going to college, couldn’t stand the idea of having to deal with it again.
Loved civics, like to write and reading. In French or English! 😄

Algebra was like Arabic to me.


My PSAT scores 50+years ago: 3 wrong answers in the entire " reading/writing section, score 787. Math 493.

Damn and that was before the prep courses that make perfect Scores pretty common these days!

I like to talk, LOL!

If GRE scores mean anything:
1960 (I lost my pre-BA scores )
1961 BA in math & grad work in physics
1967 Verbal 690 Quant 720
1975 Verbal 760 Quant 750 (98%ile, 96%ile resp)
Improved w/ use in high stakes politics.
1976 considered law school but didn’t go.

In mid-1950s I was in college and my 4th grade sister LOVED the simple algebra problems I gave her. One year later she hated them. I think a nun told her girls don’t do math. At 50, with two grown daughters, she completed a degree.

@vjohnson51 gee whiz... blushing


Math is my enemy and I WILL see it destroyed one day.

Jay, you won’t live long enough to see math destroyed. You may see grammar destroyed; many are trying to wreck it.

@vjohnson51 Whoever invented cursive should have been shot.

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