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If Jesus saves, why are all of his human representatives alway asking you to give them money? Perhaps Jesus saves but doesn't share? Or maybe there is no Jesus, and those greedy, theiving bastards are lying. Naw, they're christians. Christians don't lie.

Bn4fE5 6 Dec 18

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36 comments (26 - 36)

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It was not money that Jesus saved. Apparently he saves an unknown invisible part of you from total oblivion when you die. He might also save you from your enemies so try not to piss people off unless you really have Jesus. Strange that he does all this and could not save himself.


Yes Jesus saves for all the religions leaders who live off and profit from those too blind to see!!!

And don't forget they do it tax free. That way we pick up their share.


Jesus got a lousy deal on the interest rate. And a measly toaster oven as a free gift.


Jesus saves STRING. That's it!. There is nothing else to see. Move along.

@Bn4fE5 Thank you for that. Way fun.


He can't need all that money if he is as good at saving as they say...


Ha,ha. As far as big business goes, there’s a Jesus. Probably started 1AD.. lots of business opportunities in religion.


George Carlin has a bit on the issue of god and money.


I have very intelligent Christian friends who believe The Bible is an allegory and they actually live by the sermon on the mount teachings not the Old Testament. I am definitely an agnostic atheist apatheist That does not need to make fun of anyone but Trumpers to live a happy life.

I do too, but we parted company intellectually. There’s allegory in all good writing. Good and bad. I was getting tired of my friends always saying ‘Jesus this...and Jesus that...’ so I flat out told them I was an atheist now. That shut them up. I felt a bit like a traitor but really I couldn’t go on being untrue to myself. I think they have disowned me. So be it.


Why are you even noticing?

@Bn4fE5 maybe you could volunteer for Meals on Wheels & use your life productively instead?

@Bn4fE5 I know what you are going through.I am in the same position as you with a similar scenario.I am responsible for my 103 year old father .I know the stress you are experiencing.Hang in there.

@Bn4fE5 and you are ASSuming that nobody else has ever been in your shoes, i guess. I am sure your obvious bitterness is a great comfort to your dependent parents.


If Trump became president for life that would be Hell. I mean to have to listen to him. Haaaa!


you will have to ask a christian for that answer..

blzjz Level 7 Dec 18, 2019
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