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It takes more than an Atheist to over throw over obiedience authority of Religion.
It takes a born anarchist. The sheep followers is based on fear rather than the learning process of individualism.

Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule. About 95% of man's exsitence in time in the world of woods that no one owned. We were born free like anarchist and strongly independent with no rules above us or below us. There was no Religion for 95% of the time mankind existed on earth nor atheist to over focus on them. It is much deeper than Religion, today, it's also Government playing God and the military who are the enforcer by corrosion. We each have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take it.

You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere. Atheist lack spirit and can be lame when Religion takes it from them. An anarchist will confront them because its in our genes to be free. God is not a natural gene, it exist only in many people's bad imagination. The greater danger is the authorities, they are not the true leaders, the people are. Most theift, murder, poverty and enviorment damage is cause by authorities, not the public.

The collective consciousness of the people are the ones that make true positive change. Not the authorities with their over loaded laws, orders and commandment to over control our live or enslave us. They dare to call everything they do, is for our safety at a greater cost our freedom and health.

I recommend atheist and anarchist unite and be stronger together rather than the over harming authorities. For I am not their puppets and nobody owns me.

Your thoughts?

Castlepaloma 8 Dec 19

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Many of your assertions are not true. a behavioral and biological defining attribute of human beings is that we social animals. That is one of the keys as to how much humans have advanced during the course of their evolution. We learn from and teach each other, We support each other, giving the strength and courage to accomplish something.

As a social animal we form cohesive groups with a commonly accepted set of beliefs, values, and norms which tend to govern our behavior. Those, along with the protections and benefits of the group are what holds such groups together. . Over time, such groups grow larger, and as they do they develop a formalized set of rules and relationships -- a governing structure and culture. But that situation can -- and too often does -- become a "cruse of culture" which limits the group and all its members or leads them in the wrong direction.

Anarchism is never the answer. The answer is to fight to form new and more effective groups and relationships while, at the same time, trying to remain objective and to accept new inputs and critical feedback.

You almost sound like Ayn Rand. I outgrew her over 50 years ago.

Ayn Rand, I like alot of her ideas, a bit rigid. I prefer expansive diversity & imagination. She says envy is the worst virtue in the world.. Too many look down upon a person's successful life. I can sure relate to that, even in part on this posts or ignorance of the experience a third hand me down comments

Anarchism are less anti-social than Atheists. Atheists 3% against the 75% of the Religious world, not even on this site they allow the Religious. Yet they obsess about them. I find more social enteraction possiblibllies with anarchists. Because they have more social structure like a family, rather than a reptilian Government that will take away your baby due to poverty. Wail an anarchist community will help you keep your child and keep you away from prisons. Anarchist most like their work and are smart in business dealing in trade, crito, and gold like most of the rest of the world. Working stiff are stuck with mortgages homes, car and education loans and soon to be printed toliet paper. Worst thing, is 80,% dislike their work because they are stuck Corporation-ism as their Government is a Corporation of the greedy.

As a environmentist, professional urban farmer, artist, and tiny house builder I have learn more from anarchist than all groups combined. Atheist are the greatest scientists in the world. I see anarchist putting it into practice for humans evolution and advancements. If Atheist were more friendly toward anarchist, both would benefit greatly. I've lost work from being ignostic, not by part Anarchist. As far as strength, courage and great virtues I'm happy with anarchist and sharing to everyone to the fullest.

@Castlepaloma Again, most of your assertions are false. First, I have been an atheist for over 50 years and the way you talk about atheists does not describe me at all. There is no evidence for your "facts" and figures. I think you have simply cooked them up. Second, anarchism and real community are mutually exclusive.

Third, you speak of anarchistic people as though they are the creative people who are, as individuals, are totally responsible for and due all credit for developments, products and learnings that they produce. Nothing could be further from the truth. We all stand of the shoulders of centuries of people whose thoughts, discoveries, products and created knowledge which our new creations are based. True, the creative person deserves credit for the advances that he or she produces, but to act as though he or she it due toe sole credit is absurd.

Anarchism is simply embracing the absence of rules, social structures, or normalized ways of interacting. It offers little of merit. I have studies human psychology, sociology, political theory, and philosophy. It would behoove you to do the same.

Unless you have walked in my shoes or seen through my eyeballs, you can't tell me my experience with anarchist are false. There is no stereotypical for all the different kinds Anarchism, same for different kinds of non believers.I was building a pirate skunken treasure museum in St Petersburg FL about 30 years ago. Met up with anarchist that told me my display of Chrispher Colombus was not just the first pirate, he was first for American oversea slavery, Christainity, goal rush, native genocide. Colombus went from hero to villan, much like the US government today. I lived in BC for 15 years and been to 6 anarhist communities. Later on in Vancouver came across my favorite educator Jeff Berwick. There is no other better podcast or site for the most impressive creative people, entrepenurs, inventors of many kinds on the internet than this site I can find as Anarchast. I challenge you to find me a better internet site with such amazing people.

In your State I built a pirate skunken treature museum in St Petersburg FL. A Fl. anarchists told me my main feature Chrispher Colombus display was not only the first pirate in North America, he was first Christains, first goal rush, first oversea slavery, first European native American genocide and conquer. Colombus went from hero to villan like the US Government today. What do you know about creative and innovative anartists, no bell or whisles on your bio. I have had a 45 year artist lifestyle with 185 international awards. Hired 1000s of artist and some were anartist. I've traveled over a 100 countries, South America was by far the most intense anarchist anywhere. Florida maybe anartist are manual exclusive. Most of the Anarchism Latino eco village were really open for anyone. I'm pretty sure, you haven't traveled as far and wide as I have

I did not say any one thing or group is the answer. Just that anarchist would make a great enhancement or contrabrution to world society and as worthy as Atheists. Alot of Atheist here Don't think so. Kind of aggregate along with God freaks, don't you think?

@Castlepaloma Again, your assertions are false. You continue to deny the social nature of human beings. Your anarchist world of a world of self-absorbed individuals.

@Castlepaloma You continue to weave together bits and pieces that do not mesh, and produce incoherent writings that do not mean much of anything.

First, your a teacher of what? If people can't do, they teach and of what? What do you know so well on paper thats beyond my 5 senses of experiences of learning from over 20 anarchist communities or eco villages?. How am I continuing to deni the social nature of human beings, yet I have 10s of million of fans seek after my work. What proof do you know more about anarchist world then me? How do you know every about anarchist in the world is self-absorbed individuals. From my experience it comes in many degrees.

Second , ,on your profile I can't find any mention or experience with anarchism. Then how can you assert me you know everything about anarchist. Then call my experience false. Give me time I will publish a documentary film on anarchist because no other group has given me more enlightenment..

Do you know everything you ever wanted to know about social nature of human beings?. I build natural history displays in museum on social behaviours. Have you ever been punished for anything even on just paper about it? How about punished the world of self-absorbed individuals anarchist? I sense nothing but, judgement calls of my lack of assertiveness, how about yours?

@Castlepaloma Ramble on with your uninformed egomania.

It only shows you can't prove it. Living an efficient selfserve first, then giving it all away lifestyle,, hardly make me an egomaniac. I am not busy personally putting people down, mainly building them up.

@Castlepaloma I am not condemning you as a person, merely the behavior you show which makes no sense.

Since I base my life on good sense and done no harm in my life type of behavior,. Your comments makes nonsense.

Nothing cures cancer, we all have a degree of cancer. Marijuana oil gives remissions to show cancer free under oncologist examination. Rick Simpson videos : has 5000 patients and 100s testimonial of patients, mostly patients failures from chemo. Rick had stage 4 and 5 cases with a 80% success rate over 5 year. Chemo has a success rate of 2.5 that created far greater side effects and new cancers. Oncogaloist have testified that cancer in general has increased 4 to 5 times in the pass 60 years and will over take heart disease in the near future. Out of my four personal cases I got 75% success rate, the one failure was a stage 5 liver cancer with PTSD. He stop using marijuana and went back to being an alcoholic.

I showed 5 or 6 successful marijuana testimonial videos and you guys showed me none. I won the debate by facts evidence and personal experience.


Nonsense. At age 13, I became an atheist when I realized the Bible is just a book of stories written by men. Like Grimm's Fairy Tales.

I chose rational though, not magical beliefs.

Does this girl look like an anarchist? No. Au contraire.

At 13, I was an excellent student and played first flute in band. To my surprise, I won the Michigan State Solo and Ensemble Competition for flute solos. I played "Serenade" by Haydn.


Are atheist and anarchist suppose to look different?.

Yet, glad for your flute playing enjoyment.


I think rules and regulations are necessary evils because many people cannot rule themselves.
The damage some people, left unfettered, would do to themselves, other people, and the world would be mind-boggling and possibly fatal.
It's unfortunate many LEADERS are likewise irresponsible and hostile to collective action designed to benefit everyone.
Anarchy, and it's bastard stepbrother Libertarianism, are based on fantasy. Always there will be psycopathically criminal minds to be opposed and stopped.
When these crazies gain positions of power (guess who) the drastic remedy may be revolution, but not to simply replace a bad government with NO government!
That's certifiably insane.

Based on an analysis by the Pew Research Center, the United States falls far behind other developed democracies in voter turnout: Why vote for the lesser of two evils, that is the absence of reason.

I live my life mostly with the absence of Government and most anarchist I know do also. Of the over 20 anarchist eco villages or community I visited, Your right, they were as happy as munchkins many good times. When I leave these places, it feels like I come back to Kansas of grumpy staring at the ground people of black and white reality of unhappiness.

Ron Paul is a liberitarian, he is real, honest and as good as you can get for a politiscain. Who in their right mind today would want to run for President.

I never said no government, just have them run the small stuff. Let the people be the boss and run the big decisions, the only real people, I trust.

Call me when the Revolution starts.

@Castlepaloma Okay, sure, on a tribal level it might work, if organized/configured intelligently, and if insulated from society-at-large. I'd be curious to know the details, maybe even affiliate myself.
Anything I might look up?
As a larger 'macro' issue, however, it doesn't seem like something around which you could organize a huge country like the U.S.. You surely aren't suggesting THAT.
To successfully organize a small collective, it seems to me, it would take in itself a monumental effort to find and gather together specific types of people with common goals, purposes, political/ideological/social viewpoints.
Or are you saying that isn't necessary? Can anarchy itself be the organizing principle? Surely there's a need for 'police' of some sort, at the very least...or is everybody able to police themselves?
I'd need more details.

It's mainly has been the grassroots people who have made positive change throughout history. Not the Government. It start locally then spreads globally..
I gave more details on how it can work above to demifeministgal


First, I'm an anarchist, 100%.

That said I have 2 issues (at least) with what you said.

First, your use of "man" to refer to human kind. This isn't 1840, youre not Kropotkin, the dated language makes it seem anachronistic rather than anarchistic.

Second you make the claim that people didn't have religion through most of human history. I don't see how this claim could be supported, it seems ludicrous. If you'd argued that we didn't have capitalism, industrialization, or a government through most of human history, that would be arguable. But as far as I'm aware pretty near all human societies that we have evidence of had some form of religion, unless you play the game of redefining the word religion to conveniently exclude practices and belief systems that are premodern or something skin to that.

First, your anarchist, 100%. Never met a 100% anarchist, did you lived off grid since birth?

Forgive me, I am a senior, half my life the TV said most, mankind. Not an issues, I'll make a corrections for the updated of science, hu-man. I'm keen on working History museum displays and traveled worldwide.

The earliest human step was evolution scientists are in agreement. First human ancestors appeared five million years ago. Majority of scientist agree human physical developed out of Africa 200,000 years ago. My claim is based on first human and greatest influence to human kind was in the arts. South Africa found that the pigment ocher was used in caves 164,000 years ago. About 30,000 years ago a boom in abtract art and culture develop worldwide.
First evidence of Religion between the 15th and 5th centuries BCE on the Indian subcontinent, making Hinduism the oldest religion in existence. Worldwide Religions has been sparse until the boom 5000 years ago. Easily human arts, cultures and existence was way long before man created Religions.


Humanity has been religious since it's beginning. All you have to do is stop going to church to beat religion, stop praising their god.

No problem with us, now convince the 75% religious. They have a mind set thats lasted for 1000s of years.


"...atheist and anarchist unite..." means I lack belief in the existence of logic?

Word Level 8 Dec 19, 2019

It's not logical for any Centrolized group to lead everyone, like one world government or one world Religions worst. It fact it's impossible. If you only lead your life base on Atheism, you will find yourself unbalanced and extreme. I lead with my heart along with a diverse groups or individuals ethical choices based on good sense. It can come from an atheist or anarchist or anywhere. Very rarely it ever comes from the government or Religion. It all process from the kingdom from within. Then shortly following by my mind that tells me to study the whole facts and evidence.

@Castlepaloma you say in this part "...individuals ethical choices based on good sense. "

I am assuming for this next statement you consider biblical text to be "religious " text.

Then you have a way of contradiction of yourself by saying "Very rarely it ever comes from.... religion ".

A beginning story of this "religious " text start with naked jungle like monkey people running around naked with out concern for clothing like most any other creatures other than current modern people.

These naked people were introduced to a tree called "knowledge of good and evil ". However, this government style regulation of a rule and punishment was placed on them uf they were to eat the fruit of this tree.

Knowledge of good and evil is the basis for ethics, morals, dicerment of laws, rules and such as to their goodness or validity for be arbitrary.

Rules and laws can very well be arbitrary, and with or without good intentions for those that the laws are imposed up on. But with knowledge of good and evil it can be discerned if those laws are good enough or not.

If you want to totally remove religious related ideas or speach never use "good" or bad(evil) for describing or referring to anything because that would be a "religious " thing to do, that is if you hold biblical text as a "religious " document and that religion material should not be considered for any thing.

@ I am sure the NT was better than the OT that was copy cat from the Hindusism. It helps people with the hardtimes that couldn't live pass mid 20s. It slow downed the fucking of camels and turtles. Some carry on the tradition of fucking donkeys and sheep.

People inheritance in our genes the good and bad, by life lessons passed on. No bible or Messiah needed. The evil is more what Religions brought to control others based on fear.

Anarchist embrace rules and laws along with good intentions. Though If you want what is owned to Caesar is due to Caesar or what is owned to God is due to God, forget it, I don't pay for crooks.
Then the Religious mafia drags you back into it.

Lucky the fairness is better today than ancient ignorance. I'm lucky to have gotten rid of negative bullies. I'm not for getting l rid of Religion. Just stop them waving their dicks around on every political and military decision made.
I rarely ever use words like evil or hate, demons leave that up to organize superstition leaders. Still don't see any of my contradictions?

@Castlepaloma You sound like a modern day Jesus. But it's like you want to pretend Jesus wasn't already about doing what you are now doing.

Christian anarchism is a movement in political theology that claims anarchism is inherent in Christianity and the Gospels.

Jesus Christ was the supreme example of authentic anarchy — the creative non-violent anarchist par excellence — working not from the top down, but from the bottom up with the poor, and the poorest of the poor, to empower people and enable them to realize their potential, as men and women made in the images of God. ~ Dave Andrews

Wow a Christian Anarchist!, What can be more contradicting than someone above me or below me anarchist definition than JC?. They have 40,000 Christains dominations on how to steal your soul. A few big ones on how to hate your entire family if you don't love Big JC first. Not in my wildest dreams, I could handle that much conditional love.

Your right about one thing, change must come from the bottom up, it will never come from the top down, like hell and heaven on earth. Who is at the bottom now, maybe anarchist and Atheist. Satan already believes in God, what are chances of being saved?


A lot of people are very uncomfortable with the concept of anarchy.

I'm not, but a lot of people are.

There is only one God and it is called Government. Religion is a tool for these powers to be. That's why Religion is tax free and all others pay. Even Richard Dawkins said Nationism is more dangerous than Religion. The idea like atheist is to make them more comfort in their uncomfortableness and to uncomfort the comfortably numb.

@Castlepaloma I understand your point, but do not agree.
I don't see human nature changing enough to get most people to leave their comfort zones.
Most humans are entirely too afraid of change to ever get comfortable with it.
Evolution is a slow process.


I am not so easily wanting to take up arms against others even if I agree with the basics.

To take up arms has never worked, war solves nothing.
Today anarchist pride themselves of nonviolent with the exception of a couple of outcast. Anarchist look at the world like it's their family. Although there is an island of just anarchist I visited. If a person steals from you, that person will be outcasted from the island and from the family.

Where prisoners today are a profitable business of slave labor in the injustices system. That is why prison cells have grown 10 times in the last 40 years.

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