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Love that this happened. Christians erect marble slab with Ten Commandments at courthouse, atheists sue to remove it, it goes to mediation and athiests are told they can erect their own monument in the “free speech zone”.

MissKathleen 9 Jan 2

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If atheists erected their own monument it would probably be defaced or destroyed by some religious nut jobs


they should hold a competition for the future erected godless response. my unthoughtful, unfunny entry would be mounting on the slab next to it, an opaque cover for the offending existing piece.

i might pay to see the entries to that contest.

really though, it oughta just come down.


The ten commandments should be removed from the Court House, but what can you expect with a Supreme Court and Court Houses with a lot of people assigned by Trump and the far right...


I am not satisfied with being allowed to put up a competing monument. The slab with the Ten Commandments violates the Constitution and should be removed. Period.


"The Community Men’s Fellowship erected the monument in what’s described as a free speech zone. During mediation on the case, the atheist group was told it could have its own monument, too... sit alongside a granite slab that lists the Ten Commandments in front of the Bradford County courthouse."


This article is ancient (2013)

@MissKathleen Then maybe you need to read the news more often. When I read "news" I expect it to be current and not seven years old.

@kiramea 7 years is "ancient"?
It's news to me too, and I enjoyed it. Thanks, @MissKathleen.


This is a non-issue to anyone who accepts evidence and reason before dogma.


Where was the "free speech zone"? 10 blocks away behind a mall and chain link fence?


Monument to the god of our choice right? If our only recourse is to take them up on their offer, then the monument should be as physically similar to fhe other one as possible and contain 10 alternative commandments, including "thou shalt mind thy own business" and "thou shalt not regulate women's bodies" and "thou shalt maintain a wall of separation between church and state."


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