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Lab-Grown Heart Muscles Have Been Transplanted Into a Human For The First Time


FearlessFly 9 Jan 29

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UPS will use Arrival’s electric trucks in the US and Europe The delivery giant has also invested an undisclosed sum in the company. [] []
Posted in News & Links forum
FearlessFly 8 MN Jan 290 comments 0
This is the highest-resolution photo of the sun ever taken Astronomers turned on the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope in Maui and managed to snap this incredible view of the sun. And there’s more to come. []
Posted in Academic (e.g., Science) forum
FearlessFly 8 MN Jan 29


So, we can transplant heart muscles into Trump. He would still be missing the brain.

That comment would be appropriate in the Politics group, not Science.

@FearlessFly I'll comment where and when I want to. Got a problem?
This came up in the General group.

@PondartIncbendog Perhaps you might bone-up on your (purported) "listening" "skills" 😛

@FearlessFly Perhaps you are being arrogant. What the shit is wrong with my "listening".

@PondartIncbendog Look at the top. Academic (e.g., Science)

@FearlessFly Then, WHY is it in the general group? Look it up! I didn't set your preferences! You set them to come up in the GENERAL GROUP- Get it? I didn't get into the other groups. Are you stupid?

@PondartIncbendog The 'post'ed group is listed at the bottom of EVERY post. I'm not responsible for you NOT noticing that (AND, that it is at the top of EVERY individual post).

@FearlessFly Read. *Agnostic General Forum Newest*
What the fuck does this say??

@PondartIncbendog What does it say at the bottom of every post (AND the top of every individual post) ?

@FearlessFly GENERAL FORUM!!

@FearlessFly Agnostic * General Forum *** Newest
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@FearlessFly Individual post doesn't mean shit. The bottom of the post is YOU'RE PREFERENCES!
You want to select a forum? Do it. YOU DIDN'T.
What don't you understand?

@PondartIncbendog That is at the top of the "Browse" section. You are still not acknowledging what is at the bottom of every post in the Browse (General), and at the top of every individual post.

@FearlessFly You can't read? The bottom means nothing.

@FearlessFly That's Browse General forum!
You are making up your own rules.
I won't block you but don't respond to my posts without my permission.

@FearlessFly I don't have to "acknowledge" shit!

@PondartIncbendog I select the Group for every post I create. There is NO item for "General". I selected Academic (e.g. Science) for this (and lots of others). Just because it shows up with others in General (as do plenty of others) doesn't change the fact that it is an Academic/Science post (as indicated AT THE BOTTOM OF EVERY POST in the General list).

@FearlessFly You don't like facts. You don't get to restrict comments on the GENERAL FORUM.
You don't know the rules and you don't care.
Those come up in the general forum whether you like it or not.

@FearlessFly Respect YOU? I've been here for three years and I've NEVER heard any assnine rules like your's. Because there are none.

@FearlessFly You have to CREATE a group if you want to restrict comments.

@PondartIncbendog If you want to give explicit, exact instructions about what you call 'rules' (instead of useless accusations) I will consider them.

I mentioned "would be appropriate in the Politics group, not Science". That is not a restriction.

@FearlessFly You're the one with the "rules". I can't respond to your post without permission or approval? You're a liar. You are saying I'm the one with the "rules"?

@fearlessfly you are in the general forum!!!!

@PondartIncbendog Only one of us used that word (respect). Only one of us is using vitriol/profanity.

@FearlessFly And I don't need to be told where to respond. That is my fucking right!!

@FearlessFly Keep pushing

@PondartIncbendog Why can't you acknowledge that this post is in the Academic/Science group (regardless of whether it shows-up General). Why make political comments where they are likely less-than appropriate ? Is it your intention to 'troll' ?

@FearlessFly General Forum. Everybody get to respond. No one reads the posters preferences. No one cares. IT COMES UP IN GENERAL FORUM.

@PondartIncbendog Are you now (trying to) make the rule(s) ?

@FearlessFly I don't give a shit what forum it is posted in.

@PondartIncbendog I keep referring to Groups. Why do you refer to 'forum' ? Isn't "General" (forum) just a collection of Groups (to which members choose (or not) to join ?

@FearlessFly Forums are somewhat different from Groups - you need to join groups. (Usually).

Forums are open to everyone. Level 1 and up. There are no moderators or hosts other than the admins of the site itself. (Groups of course have Originators/Hosts and Moderators).

Forums are the more general feed of the site - where if you want all members to have a chance to see it - that's where you post.

You can sort your own feed to see less of the Forums but they aren't groups so you can't leave them per se.

I screenshot the Forums (also known as "Categories" (From where you select them in the Post form) so you can see them.

This is the Groups page - we have over 1000 now. Run by individual members. [] On all sorts of topics. (They tend to be a little more strict on content but they aren't all strict).

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