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WHO Declares Global Health Emergency as Wuhan Coronavirus Continues to Spread


FearlessFly 9 Jan 30

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Maybe see what happens may not exceed the flu

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 30, 2020

This could be the pandemic of our times. Even with a 2% mortality, could still be tens of millions dead.

Still less dead than died of Ebola.

The transmission of Ebola is now well known (2 vaccines available).

. . . from the linked article below :
"it’s still not clear as to how contagious the virus is, or even whether it can spread before symptoms show up"
Which one sounds more dangerous ?


Ebola was far more dangerous a few years ago. It got contained and controlled. No reason to think this will be different. If the stats coming out of china are even remotely correct, we are looking at thousands of cases and a few hundred deaths- thebkill rate is maybe 10% and closer to 0 in countries with fancier medical systems like the US or Europe or Canada.. As I recall though, the kill rate with ebola was much higher- over 50%.if not worse. So in that sense, ebola still sounds worse.


we will see what happens now

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