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After fixing Trump's trial GOP Senators start targeting Joe Biden. Does it really matter anymore? Very unlikely he will be DNC Nominee. Agree/Disagree?

sassygirl3869 9 Feb 7

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I'm sure joe is probably a pretty good person, but he just hasn't excited the voters


I believe you are right: Biden will not be the nominee. He has none of the fire and enthusiasm of the others, and does seem to lack energy and the spark that he used to have.


Sounds like a tit for tat scenario. Something like children play. This will enliven up the democratic base which has a majority. Wouldn't it be funny if Biden didn't get the nomination and all their weaselly (sorry weasels) work for nothing. So this is where our tax money is going for and not on some silly thing like health care or mental screening (of which we obviously desperately need).


Can't tell yet lot of trolling by RNC dirty tricks will abound the closer to the election

I agree. I've been following politics all my life but I never realized Republicans could be so evil. I'm not sure how to combat voter suppression , misinformation(downright Lies ) its particularly frustrating because they advertise themselves as moral, ethical, principled people and the reality is just the opposite. It's hard for me to believe but it is what it is.


I hope Joe won’t be the Democratic nominee. But if he is I will vote for him. I’m leaning to Warren.


I don't think Trump is going to allow the November elections to proceed.

Wow!!! Hope not!!!!

What's he going to do declare a state of emergency? Even when we were at war we held the election.

I believe the same, with the help of Senate Trumplicans who are risk of being replaced.

@JackPedigo Precedent means nothing to Shitler or the 'cons. He will sign an executive order declaring a state of emergency and delaying the election "in the national interest". His excuse will be (ironically) that the voting machines are not secure, or that the voter roles have been manipulated.

@BitFlipper Hopefully, at this point in time election officials will expect this and be prepared. Most of his "executive orders" were not enforceable.

@JackPedigo who will oppose him?

@BitFlipper You're asking me???? lol Anyone with a half ounce of decency opposes him!!!!

@JackPedigo I mean who in a position of power would oppose him? Romney is toast. The Vindman brothers are toast. Anyone who dares to oppose #45 will be eliminated Michael Corleone style.

@BitFlipper What does toast mean?? Romney may actually get some credit from his base. We haven't gotten to the point of contenders disappearing and being tortured. We still have way and means and when we bow down to loud-mouthed dictators then we will set the next stage and that is loss of free speech and looking over our shoulders for some hit squad. BTW, the democrats are in a position of power and they oppose him. If they get a majority in the senate then the chief tyrant will be 'toast.'

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