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You ever get super anxious that you scare potential friends away? Hi. I'm HippieGothMom2, and I have frequent bouts of brain diarrhea and ptsd flashbacks, but I swear...a lot... I mean that I am really fucking awesome. Name your quirks!

HippieGothMom2 5 Mar 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Is there a HippieGothMom1?


Yes. I overshare


People sometimes think I'm serious when I think it's obvious I'm joking. I guess I'm not emotive enough and come across too deadpan.

I have the same problem

Me as well. My friends know me well, but new acquaintances sometime struggle with my deadpan.


I strive to go against the norm. Freaks some people out.

@HippieGothMom2 You'll fit in perfectly here. Welcome!!!


I really don't like humans.
I barely tolerate the species, I can fake it pretty well and noone sees me as openly antagonistic, in fact I must be approachable, I am no-ones friend though. That said, I do like individual people, individuals are real and important in their own right. Lots of fun individuals here.

I can relate..?


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.


No. If someone chooses not to like me, I’m ok with that. Life goes on despite their opinion.
Self reliant. Analytical. Self indulgent.


It would be easier to list my normal traits. 1. I have a name. 2. I tend to breathe a lot. 3. I watch out for idiots on the road...


When face to face with people, I often use puns as a way to communicate, both as a test to see if people are listening, as well as a test to gauge the verbal acuity of my conversational partners. Once the test has been passed, though, it is not even something I can control and the puns can take on a life of their own.


I get super anxious that I am not scaring people away enough. People love the surface; they hate the depths. And shallow is the last thing I am. Seeing people turn cold and resentful is worse than not seeing people at all, IMO.

I love depth..bring it!!

Don't get anxious about it but can totally relate to the rest.


I'm quiet until I get to know others well. I'm a bit weird when others do get to know me and I tend to cuss like a sailor.


I say things that are uncomfortable to a lot of people. I'm too open and honest. I think most people consider it over sharing, but I see it as a need to explain things so that people understand where I'm coming from.
I also swear a shit ton ?

@carcmcgarc -- is a shit ton equivalent to a short or long ton --- or is it metric?

@evidentialist 'A Shit-ton is equivalent to 24 metric assloads, or 1/10th of a fuck-ton.
For visual effect:

My kids and I used to get into huge debates over how much was in a fuckload vs a shitload ...I figured a fuckload was more, the general consensus being fuck is a worse swear word. Never did figure out exactly how much either was


No I don't fucking care


I was abused starting at the age of 3, had nightmares about being killed till about 15, ptsd not diagnosed, struggled with life for years healing psychologically, married a wonderful woman who grounded me, and 60 years later feel OK. I don't scare easily. I cuss too much, my wife says. And no one has more "quirks" than my former family of Jesus freaks. I hope you feel welcome here.

yeah, my memories of it start at about 3, I had a melt down when my kids were about that age. I get terrible anxiety attacks, and am pretty much immune to pain. Unfortunately my grandmother at some point told my ex what I had been through, and my ex later used that to get my kids taken away, I got them back through the courts but it took a couple of weeks, They are in their 30s now and mostly with me, they hardly have anything to do with their mother. She became "wife no more" at the end of the court case and she received stern warnings from the police and magistrate. I envy you (in a good way) for having a supportive partner, my youngest brother does as well and it has really helped him.


do we have to wear rubber suits to get close to you. Just asking🙂


I sometimes put myself in socially awkward situations because I briefly forget how much I hate people.


In the past I was hyper and motor mouth. Calmed down and mellowed out.


I have none.
Unless perfection is a quirk?
Or humility?

Maybe rhetorical questions?


I used to worry about that, but I have enough friends that I don't worry about it. I'm convinced (without evidence) that some people have distanced themselves from me due to my rligeous beliefs, but it might just be me distancing myself from them for the same reason. If that was going to be a problem, I would just as soon get that out of the way early.


I can be really passive and tolerant. Then people push me too far and I go Stephen King's Carrie on them.


Quirks? I tend to prefer to do things in even numbers. Something about odd numbers bothers me. For instance, if I would write an article about things that bothered me, and I could only think of seven, I would hold off on putting the article up until I could think of a #8.

In my writing, I have catch phrases like "I must add that," and tend to start a lot of sentences with "so," at least in the first draft.


i can be overly argumentstive with people and very aggressive. it can be difficult for me to kerp my mouth shut when i hear things that i do not agree with or that isnt supported by fact or is technically incorrect.


I'm obsessive compulsive. Not the cutesy TV version but litteral full on OCD complete with all the anxiety it entails.


I am quirky in that out of all of my friends, I think I am the only one who won't got to church

Nuke Level 5 Mar 29, 2018

@HippieGothMom2 I prefer fucking heathen


Never really let it concern me, my best friend tells people that I have just met "don't ever ask him his opinion of you if you don't want to hear the truth he won't pull punches just to make you feel better".
He had one of his friends tell him he didn't think I liked him, my buddy asked him if I had said something to him, guy told him no, my buddy told him not to worry about it, I had known him long enough that if I had a problem with him he wouldn't be asking that question, he would know I had a problem with him.


No. That's the beauty of not caring in the first place. I don't care one way or another.

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