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RepubliKKKans Running ameriKKKa…. Ruining ameriKKKa.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Feb 16

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Too many words for Trumpaloes.

Yes, big words, lots of syllables............too damn much to handle!


Funny thing, the gop party used to promote SS and Medicare. Ike's plans when he ran for president were pretty left. The gop party is not what it use to be.


I don't see how name-calling (ad hominem) helps :


When you are Blind there are a Lot of Things you can Not see.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I see logical fallacies, does critical thinking matter ?

@FearlessFly With this guy, not at all.



I'd be careful about spraying that if I were you. You might find yourself fucking off.

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