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Despite great troubles in the world, I can stay concerned but not be overwhelmed by it, and still be happy and at peace within myself. What's wrong with me? lol

WalterWhite 7 Mar 30

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Oh No! not someone happy and at peace - whats right with you - - everything it seems!


In times of potential angst, or anxiety about world or national events, I remember the old saying, "This too shall pass." And I realize how true that is. You're in a good place, I'd say; nothing wrong with your attitude.


No one could care about everything all the time, and we have our own one-time-only life to lead.


Nothing - you have healthily balanced emotions - fortunate.

I'm mostly there too - though I'll admit to days when I enuermate woes, and they get to me. They pass though !


Nothing. I am in the same space as you are.


Yeah, I feel the same way. But I also know to take certain medicinal plant oils to help.

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