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I stumbled across this dude on YouTube recently. I like the way he thinks.

Fearlessfreep 7 Feb 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I can't believe how many times I find him right on the mark. I initially hesitated to subscribe, but I really enjoy him. And his delivery is great.


This guy gets it!


I think I like this guy.


The party leaders not only are out of touch with their constituents, they don't care, because their only constituents that matter to them are the big donors. This is intentional. If Bernie is the compromise, and the Dem party screws him this time, then Trump will be re-elected, the Bernie supporters will blow up the Dem party and in four years the Bernie group will be ready for civil war or revolution, as this guy is saying.. My view is, I'm ready to throw down against these pricks as soon as the rest of the masses are, if ever...with general strikes and mass protests.


Beau is awesome.

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