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Trump declares his rallies are safe zones from coronavirus outbreak -He claims I think its very safe!!!!! - LOL!!! He sounds dillusional!!!!! Agree/Disagree?

sassygirl3869 9 Mar 2

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To get in, you have to be immersion-baptized in Clorox!


Some people drink, some people do drugs and some people do trump.

His brand of delusional rhetoric, hate and bullying is manna from heaven for his flock. Sad, just really sad but very fucking dangerous.


I don't think this is delusional. I think he lives for those rallies and the adulation he receives at these events. He doesn't want to schedule one of these events and not have a big turnout. IMO


Well, I did post the meme below a ways back, so those fools shouldn't get overly confident. Meanwhile, however, the only safe zone those rallies provide is from logic and evidence.

I remember your previous post, @DharmaBum50, and I'm still counting on you!


Only trump, the obstructionist republican fascist, and their followers are all immune because they are crediting god with prayer!,

Hopefully this will be the Rapture they are longing for???

One can overtly hope, right???


Still stupid as shit

Stop denigrating shit, please.

@Petter makes a rock loo look smart


What else is new?


Just ratcheting up his terribleness, again.


I think it would very appropriate for his knuckle dragging followers to drop dead by the thousands, but unfortunately they slither among us.


Well, if his avid fans flock together to share the Covid-19 bug, It could hurt his chance of being re-elected.

wishful thinking


He’s not as delusional as his flock of believers!

@MissKathleen, he’s deliberately lying. One might argue that is not aware he is lying, which would be delusional. Believing the lies despite all evidence to the contrary is delusional.


His opinion on this is as valid as his opinion on global warming.
I'd call him a buffoon, but that would be giving him too much credit, most buffoons are not that much of a danger to themselves and others.


It would be so ironic if an outbreak could be traced to his rallies.

It would not be ironic at all it would be criminally negligent on the part of the bumhole in chief.

@LenHazell53 Hey now, don't be disparaging of bumholes!

@Observer-Effect why?

@BudFrank Because even dirty ones are far less disgusting than our traitorous orange coward of a president.

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