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Proud Granny today, my youngest is getting ready to cast her 1st vote and she called me to ask my opinion on all the candidates. She'll be voting for Elizabeth Warren in the Missouri preferential primary. Yes Elizabeth has dropped out but the more vote she gets the more likely she will be a VP choice. Biden and Bernie will both have plenty of voters. Both of them need a younger smart VP.

Lorajay 9 Mar 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Both Bernie and Biden were at the bottom of my list. I could care less which one gets the nomination. I do hope a competent younger person will be chosen for VP.

VP's are chosen by the nominee for many different reasons. Usually it is to balance the ticket either geographically or to bolster up weaknesses of the nominee hence the choice of holier than thou Pence.

My vote for Warren was to keep her name before the public. It did not hurt our help Biden or Bernie when it comes to the general election.

I do hope whoever gets the nomination chooses from the other presidential candidates except Bloomberg. I really don't care which one because any of them would be better than Biden or Bernie in my opinion.


I find American politics is utterly confusing.
Vote for a candidate who isn't a candidate.
Vote for a delegate who will then vote on your behalf (or perhaps not) in favour of a candidate to stand against others in a Presidential election.
Spend obscene sums on fund raisers and support bolstering events.
Repeat every four years.
It all seems so long winded.
Give me constitutional monarchy any day. Or indeed a constitutional Presidency. It costs far less for a start, and there's no risk of a maverick "head of state" running amok.

What about Boris in the UK?

@Lorajay He is not a head of state, only a head of government. His powers as an individual are well limited. He cannot issue executive orders, etc.


I’m not aware of any rule or convention that says VPs are chosen from other candidates. Sounds like a lost opportunity to choose between two candidates who have very little of substance in common.

skado Level 9 Mar 10, 2020

I agree the candidates are very different but I will vote for whoever wins as will my granddaughter. Warren is a progressive despite what many Bernie supporters have said.


If Warren is a progressive, why has she abandoned the progressive cause and left the only other progressive candidate to go it alone?

@RoboGraham Seriously are you suggesting she should have stayed in the race? We are both talking opinions here. We both have a right to our own opinions.


I'm suggesting that she should have thrown the weight of her support behind the progressive candidate who had a chance at winning. Just as all the moderate candidates did for Biden.

Now, there is no way that progressive policies will play any role in American politics for the foreseeable future.


Congrats to you granddaughter 😊


Cool bet you are proud

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 10, 2020

Very proud she's voting and even prouder that she called me to talk about it.


Voting for someone who dropped out is a waste of a vote, why not vote for Ralph Nader or Bloomburg?


Historically, there is virtually no evidence that a VP gives significant help to get a presidential candidate elected.

I just want a capable person to be in place when one of those old geezers dies in office.

@Lorajay . . . a fair point.

@Lorajay In 8 years we'll have AOC old enough to run for prez, assuming we still have a democracy by then....Young, female and Hispanic. She would be unbeatable, because identity politics is still very important to most voters, even tho I think it's bullshit and shouldn't matter. But tribalism rules in American politics, rather than policy..AOC is the same as Bernie on policy.

@TomMcGiverin I was referring to the past. Who knows if your "crystal ball" will turn-out to be 'clear' ? 😮

@FearlessFly We'll see in about six or seven years. Hope I am around to see it. My crystal ball was right on the money about how the Dem establishment would screw Bernie this time, so I trust it...

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