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Trump and Biden neck and neck in the betting.
I often check online betting odds* to gauge election chances. (I find them to be a bit more reliable than the polls have turned out to be.) For the 1st time since a year ago, Trump is not odds on favorite. Considering the overwhelming edge that incumbents have, this is a big deal.
As I type the odds are 11/10 Trump 11/10 Biden and for any Bernie fans still clinging on to hope, he is 33/1. BTW Pence is 25/1

*Online betting is where you place a bet via the internet. Just explaining this for those readers that live in the land of the free that are unaware of this kind of activity.

273kelvin 8 Mar 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Sometimes I wish in America we could bet on elections. It's not like it would change anything, like elections being fixed to get a desired result. We already have plenty of that where computer voting machines are used...

Edison's 1st patent was for an accurate voting machine. It went down like a lead balloon. So the next thing he patented was ticker-tape machines that told you how the stock market was doing


Well let's hope it turns out to be Biden.

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