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Are you a "hint" dropper in life/relationships?
If so, why? If not, why not?

I often see people talk about dropping hints in relationship (romantic or other) and I often wonder what is the motivation behind it. Why not just say what you feel/ask for what you want?

Crimson67 8 Mar 31

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Advice to women: Don't give a subtle hint. Don't give a moderate hint. Don't give a strong hint.

A man will miss all of them!

No kidding just come out and tell us. Or you will be disappointed

Yeah. Just speak up and stop with the hint stuff.


I hope I don't do that. I think it's passive/aggressive as f--k!


I don’t do hints. I’m a straight forward kinda guy.


I ignore subtle hints...hate that manipulation...and sometimes, I just don't get the hint...haha...I know I am in a relationship with someone outside my clique/group when 'hints' start flying around...I am used to people who hint with a sledgehammer....


I think that we are suppose to be mind readers and when we find that no one is reading our minds we drop hints...


Not all people respond to things the same way. You have to know who you are dealing with and approach them with what works best. If it's someone you don't know by all means be straight forward.


i can never pick up on hints and rather tell people what I want than hint it takes to long


I do just say what I'm thinking. I'm normally just having a bit of fun dropping hints or being full-on sarcastic.


They could be shy, unsure of themselves or like to create chaos.


More than the talent of talking, we are animals that basically use non-verbal expressions. So if you mean this as being those hints it's quite normal I think. Even more explicit non-verbal expressions seem to be normal to me. If you give verbal "hints" you could consider to be more explicit about what you want, unless your in company that you don't want to receive the message too. The other side of this all, even if you're just together, "masked" hints can be a way not to embarrass the other by giving him or her the possibility to act as "not having received the message", in stead of a clear negative reaction.
Communication can be complicated.

Gert Level 7 Mar 31, 2018

I would be direct with a significant other once the relationship was stable and I felt my partner and I knew each other well enough. Its hard to be open in the courtship period. If someone asks me what activity I'd rather do then I'll open up.


I may drop hints, but if I do I'm really crap at it 🙂


Women, especially feel it's rude to come out and say something, believing men will pick up on their subtle hints, as they would do. But men don't.

I'm as clueless as cis males, however, and usually advise people to spell things out for me.

@Crimson67 Masculine women are like men that way. I'm highly masculine, so need things to be spelled out. By "women" I meant cis, hetero women, heavy in female traits. Like most of the women I know in the US.

Since high IQ creative people are mostly androgynous (mixed gender traits) and atheists have higher than average IQs, a high percentage of agnostic members are androgynous.


Men are hint droppers when it comes sex. Many of us are skilled at it. Hypervillurgent about it. Can consume much of our time. But if you're a smart girl you knew this already.


I'm not sure what the motivation is exactly, maybe it is an assumption or a test that if you care enough you would pick up on the hint. I hate it. I usually do not pick up on the hint until much later or until someone else points it out to me. I prefer directness and bluntness. That does not mean not being tactful or sensitive or diplomatic, but just be direct and upfront. I find it refreshing.


that would result in at least a restraining order and at worse arrest if I told Sofia Vergara what I wanted. I have heard a hundred women say this very thing and trust me, it all depends on who is asking or exposing their feelings.


Insecurities and wanting to be viewed as a giver rather than a taker. My Ex has done this the whole time I've known her..."Oh, I never ask anything for myself, I always put others first" and Yet drops hints subtle and not so subtle constantly. Or would make subtle comments about how she wasn't thought of when you did something for the kids.


I am pretty much a very direct communicator. I prefer stating what I need plainly. I also prefer it if my partner does, but he feels like I should just read his mind. And I say some things which often are left best unsaid. Which leads to some very amusing arguments about me being a bit ignorant of his needs.

If you aren't direct, I'm not going to go on an expedition to find out what it is you need or want.


I think people are romantically cryptic because they crave acceptance and fear rejection.

If one person “drops a hint” and the other person doesn’t escalate romantically, then the person who dropped the hint can always think “well, maybe they just didn’t understand the subtlety,” (and avoid the pain of rejection.) Or when someone “drops a hint” and their potential partner does reciprocate it feels very good because, despite the proposition being unclear, the potential partner was willing to risk rejection to reciprocate, which indicates they really like the person who dropped the hint. The potential partner’s willingness to take a chance is a more satisfying form of acceptance for the person dropping hints.


It's one thing to be clever with the intention to create humor, affection or sexual attraction. But when i think someone is testing me with hidden intentions i think it's a sign of insecurity or lack of emotional maturity. I can't respect or trust that in a relationship.


Three reasons I drop hints:

Avoid the pain of a direct refusal.
Some people are happer if they think it was their idea.
In some situations if I have to spell it out I am no longer interested. This goes for sex especially, if I have to give step by step instructions I may as well buy a dildo and do it myself.

Kimba Level 7 Apr 2, 2018

In most cases it's sex in a relationship. Hints and promises with that special person can be very exciting. Outside a relationship: friends with benefits has to be carefully discussed without being labeled as a preditor. In almost all ages, except for seniors, the big payoff is sex. It's hard to just come out and ask for it and get turned down when if you can show a person a wonderful time and or weekend to improve your chances of a wonderful sexual time.


Of course, isn't "hint-dropping" a part of all human relationships? In part, it's a test. How well does she know/get me? Now, a passive-aggresive asshole may bank that and use it against you in the future, in which case - I strongly suggest you re-evaluate your mate. But most people just throw it out there and go "Huh.. So that's what my partner's REALLY like..

@Crimson67 - I'm not talking passive-aggressive, abusive, ultimatum-type tests. This was about hint-dropping.. Like "This would be awesome for my birthday next year hint, hint or "Maybe we could try THIS in the bedroom this time hint hint..

Of course, if someone is being abusive or manipulative, or hurting you in any way, you should leave. But, c'mon.. We're all "hint-droppers" to some extent, don't you think?


Agree with you.


It's never worked for me, sometimes even insults are compliments to others.

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