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Anyone see Obi Wan get passed around on facebook as Jesus?
Here's my response.

MartinG 6 Mar 31

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I was ignored when I commented on it being Ewan McGregor, not Jesus.


Fooled them all with his Jedi mind tricks!!


Hadn't seen this one in particular but I think it is hilarious. May the force be with you!

Made it myself. You're welcome to it though

@MartinG my compliments on a job well done! 🙂


Gee if all prophets were that good looking.....


Well, that's mind-blowing in Itself to see someone take the joke so seriously that they are actually offended. That's kinda freaky.


You have to realize that in ancient times, the mentally ill were said to have been "touched by god", or "touched by the gods". Prophets were somewhat delusional, but still able to function in society. Watch the movie "A Beautifyl Mind" about a man who won a Nobel Prize for work he did in math, whiel sufferign schizophrenic delusions, and you can get a glimpse into how a "prophet" can seem rational and functional while still sufferign from delusions.

We no longer consider the mentally ill to be touched by god or the gods. So we hve much fewer prophets. Today's "prophets" are mostly con men. If you look at cult leaders, they are mostly delusional too, liek ancient "prophets" were.

So basically, following a prophet is to follow someoen who is mentally ill and delusional or a con man.

I really don't care for Obi Wan as person to follow. He deluded himself into thinking he coudl teach Anikan. If you want a jedi prophet, at least follow Yoda.

So your not buying the redemptive sacrifice in 'a new hope' (1 or 4 depending on hownyou count...)? Not disagreeing mind you... Yoda is far superior from what i know of the stories.

@Donna_I Yoda seems to be the wisest Jedi, in both the books and the movies. I lso like that he is not human, whch may explain a great deal about his wisdom...



He could teach me how to do actual miracles, right? (If we treat the films as being real, that is.)

I suppose some cool stuff anyways


We can all be the prophet.

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