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Cases of COVID-19 world wide. Canada is less than a 1000. []

ToolGuy 9 Mar 18

Enjoy being online again!

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A good link to keep up with worldwide numbers!


So ToolGuy are you in lock down mode? I have been for few days now and it's really really boring.. I miss all my friends and activities.. so reaching out to friends on-line..

@ToolGuy Why would even bother to go to Toronto.. yuk.. I live close to Wasaga Beach and it's like a ghost town right now.. But the beach is still lovely..

@LisaBostlund Where is Wasaga? Fla?

@Grecio No Sorry.. Sourthern Ontario Canada.. look up Wasaga beach..


I thought there were only about twenty-five hundred of you up there! 😁


At the time of posting, true, BUT probably tripling every 24 hours or less as it is everywhere.
The real problem is, there are always heart attacks, broken bones, and etc....but if all the beds and ER is filled, what are you going to do, where are you going to go for help? Do not get sick or ill if there is no help to be had......


All countries will become affected present every country is at a different stage in the wave of infection. Don’t be fooled into thinking that your country is affected less or more than others...if your numbers are low at the moment that is probably because you are just behind the curve a little.


Time to move to New Zealand?

NZ can only be isolated so long!

Without the antibodies gained from infection, some one will slip through and infect the population of NZ!!

It is not an issue of when, but being prepared for it in a advance!!!


Ummm, last Wednesday the USA had less than 600 cases......

Now they have 10,000.

@Grecio info more than 6 hours old is completely useless.....

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