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Trust No One

Melbates 7 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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So far so good except on FB a friend posted "Gronk" tight end of my Pats was retiring.


Your shoelace is undone


That's my motto.




Oh come now. I just got an email from someone involved in the Nigerian oil company. I'll get 10 million dollars if I send him a security deposit of $500. I know he's trustworthy, because Nigerians have a reputation for being honest. He even sent me a photo of a big trunk full of money.

Eighteen years ago I got an email from someone who informed me that he was involved in a legal battle with the Nigerian Government over oil well rights. He said that the legal proceedings were very expensive and promised to give me a 10% stake in his oil wells if I would send him $500. I replied to his email and explained that I was in a similar position with regard to legal proceedings because my late uncle in Yorkshire who owned hundreds of acres of land died intestate and that I was the only surviving heir. I told him that if we would care to send me the airfare to Nigeria I would fly over there and we could discuss the matter, never heard from him again,

@ASTRALMAX Scammers are fun to play with, because they're so very, very stupid. You might like this link. []


Trust everyone but keep your dibble ready!


Sounds like it is a year round holiday...


Truer words have never been spoken

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