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Tuesday is World Autism Day. Please take a few minutes to watch a video or read a story about a family or individual who deals with the effects of Autism every day.

If you feel inclined to make a donation, please do so. However, I urge you to NOT make any donations to AutismSpeaks. This organization, while the largest in the US, is not an advocacy group. It is a PR and marketing machine. Less than 5% of their budget actually goes programs to support families or persons with Autism. Additionally, and most alarming in my opinion, AutismSpeaks seeks a cure for Autism. Read that again, a cure. This implies Autism is bad, that something is wrong. People with Autism don't have anything wrong with them at all. Their brains process information differently than typical brains. It's different, not wrong.

Here is a list of better places for your money:
ANY children's hospital
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative
The Organization for Autism Research
The Autism Society of America
The National Autistic Society
The Asperber/Autism Network
MIND Institute at UC Davis

Also, you can sign up at The to receive a daily email reminder to click a link. They have donors who have pledged donations for each click. I do this daily (As well as the It takes less than a minute each day.

Thanks for your time.

MarvelAnn 8 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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My older daughter Becky has cp but may be on the autism spectrum. My gf's daughter Tara is a teenager severely autistic; I have done respite for her. I taught autistic children when I was a Graduate student in Special Ed. Burnt out after a year- got too emotionally involved with the kids as music, drama and dance Director at a summer camp. Special kids.


As someone with Asperger's, thank you for making this post. Also thanks for telling the truth about Autism Speaks. Contrary to what they and my mother think, I am not a burden.


Hope you don't mind I shared this to my autism page



Thank you for sharing this. 🙂


I've read, and seen for myself, that many/most extremely high IQ people are on the autism spectrum. I seem to have elements of it, my 160 IQ son certainly exhibited many autism behaviors, and my ex had Asperger's traits, plus a few scary behaviors I'd seen in special ed classes I'd taught, with autistic kids...occasionally hitting his head against the wall, screaming and throwing furniture when thwarted, wooden robotlke behavior, extreme social ineptness, etc.


Lol I was scanning this to see if you were gonna praise AutismSpeaks. Thank Goodness. I think we need Autism acceptance--ASD life expectancy is like 39. Why? Because of suicide. Anti-Vaxxers aren't helping either.


Hurray ... I have worked with Autistic folks.. Some of the most rewarding times of my life .. !! Some of the toughest times of my life... But rarely so much joy and progress or bravery have i ever seen again.

Yeh you can't cure it .. why would you want to ffs lol ... massvely ignorant !!! Dark times.

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