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In the entire PBS news hour there has not been a single image of the idiot Trump, the nauseating sound of his self-serving and dishonest voice, nor the crap flowing from any other Republican politician. Instead, every source appearing has been a voice of knowledge and data.

Why do not the other media not learn from the example of PBS????

wordywalt 9 Apr 3

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True ~ I also notice AARP is pushing no critical position.
The CDC - cover your sneezes & wash ; something our
elders said for decades. Info on tests/ masks( they say now
they should be worn)we don't get. I get more info from my Legislator ;
A lady I voted for AND support !!!


More and more they are. KUOW the main NPR station in the Seattle area did that and, in the last few days, I noted my local NPR station is doing the same. So sick of hitting the mute button. We all know how ugly and fat he is and the crap that always comes from his mouth. Let him continue to lie to his enablers and leave us 'thinking' people alone.


Because they have to play to their advertisers and most people watch that banal sensationalist shit.


Tonights' episode had an interview with Chuck Schumer. I liked what he had to say, but IMHO he was/is not "a voice of knowledge and data"


Good. Pay no attention to the mutated blob of orange pudding pop-flavored bullshit behind the curtain. The only "news" outlets who should be covering his circle jerkoff sessions are Fox News , Infowars and whatever ham radio station is currently providing life support to Rush Limbaugh. They're his fucking lapdogs anyway.


I keep telling them to find a more Neutral News Medium, that Feux News is a propaganda channel - but they don't want to. They're hooked.

And they're intelligent people. It's so sad.

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