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skado 9 Apr 3

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Absurd. Each of those issues is complex but absurdly simplified, and ignores the reality that the Democrats have to negotiate with the GOP to get anything done. One could easily argue that Dems oppose most of the points in the middle rather than embrace them. Religious separation, LBGT, education, health care and a lot more aren't even mentioned. That makes the whole diagram bullshit troll propaganda.


No shit. I've known this for my whole adult life.


..was thinking some about you today… Don’t feel flattered. You are a perfect example of the guys pretending to understand politics by bad mouthing both sides. Unfortunately, some listen..

These guys - and they’re nearly always ‘guys’ - stand for nothing. They’re just bomb throwers. Have they run for office, walked the walk, actually stood for anything? No, cuz that takes courage - effort - knowledge - experience - commitment & integrity.

Strangely, I have more respect for my ugly opposition, and have told them so. I may not agree with them - but they’ve the guts to stand for something!

Varn Level 8 Apr 3, 2020

You’re the man, Varn!

When the only two sides available are each deserving of bad mouthing, it takes courage to to throw bombs at both. Your opposition is indeed ugly. But those you stand along side are also ugly. Less ugly, but still ugly. It takes knowledge, experience, commitment, and integrity to understand that both parties represent the special interests rather than us, the people, and it takes effort and courage to oppose both.

Are you seriously insinuating that we don't stand for anything???

We stand for universal healthcare, every working person earning a living wage, an end to foreign wars, standing up to the military industrial complex, affordable education, unions, getting bribes out of politics, renewable energy, ending the drug war, criminal justice reform, reducing wealth inequality... We have been organizing non-stop for over a year now. What have you been doing? Rallying behind an old school corrupt corporatist who is in such cognitive decline that his campaign must hide him away for fear that he will ramble in a confused manner and embarrass the party? I'll ask you for, I don't know the 5th, maybe 6th time, why Biden? What can you say about Biden to convince people to vote for him? I know you will not answer this question. I'll continue to ask because it continues to become more and more embarrassing for those who advocate for him to have no answers.

What do you stand for Varn? Slow, careful, incrementalism? Exactly the kind of corporate friendly progress that the powers that be would like you to embrace?

"These guys - and they’re nearly always ‘guys’ " So you've bought into the "Bernie Bro" narrative. Well regardless of your own perception, there are just as many women involved in the progressive movement as men. In fact, perpetuating that tired old insult that only men are onboard is a rather sexist claim.

It is strange that you would have more respect for right wing theocrats than progressive who want the sames things you do but are actually willing to fight for them. How about you find your guts and try fighting for something rather than just provoking us but never actually debating us on the issues and policy? Why is it that you always avoid actually debating?

@RoboGraham Nice try 🙂


Wish I could say, same to ya.

@RoboGraham I’m pretty sure folks have you figured out, the term “Troll” comes up often. But right here - I wanted a response from the original poster - not a self-appointed surrogate 😕 Appears yur backing a lame effort if those you cheer can’t speak for themselves…


I hope people have figured me out. I've been making it simple for them by discussing in detail what I believe and why I believe it. Apparently expressing a differing opinion than yours makes someone a troll. So now I'm a Russian, troll, Trump supporting bot. Label me however you need to dismiss me I suppose but it doesn't change what's true.

What does the original poster have to do with it. This is another chapter in the discussion that you and I have been having over many posts. Well, sort of, It seems that you are doing all you can to avoid it really.

The original poster did give you a response. A nice sarcastic compliment. He must be smarter than I am. He has figured out that there is no getting through to someone who refuses to consider what is said and rather just labels and dismisses people instead.

@RoboGraham Hey, I’ve read enough of ‘your stuff,’ thus didn’t bother with whatever’s above. You’ve the problem, not me 😉 But ….I’m still waiting for the Original Poster to flesh out his thoughts & share his wisdom, as I have… Not holding my breath, though 🙂


You’re the man, Varn!

@RoboGraham (...and waiting..) It’s not easy, I know. Can’t say it took me a lifetime to ‘get it,’ but walking the walk - and talking the talk had/ has both it’s rewards, and costs.. But, it’s genuine.

Got a DC political insider I pal with. I’ve worked with & for numerous politicians and initiatives, but have had few become friends to the level I have with this guy. What’s refreshing is how deeply he understands - not only what needs to be done - but the reality of doing it. Just cuts through any BS and calls it straight. Dead-on accurate, no spin, no fun.. but always with ‘a path forward.’

‘All here’ are limited by the reality around us. We are either Atheists or Agnostics, and in this nation, most often surrounded by those who aren't. How do we function? We accept the ugly aspects of others, encourage them to head in the right direction, and lead by example. Some may throw public tantrums, drive off allies and never make friends, but that gets ‘us’ nowhere..

Given even a limited public platform, like this, I can not sit back and ignore such a flagrant abuse of our electorate as was/ is displayed by this reposted ‘meme.’ Looks like it’s straight from Russia … designed & distributed to continue the infighting or deamonization of our Democracy.

Some speak up, they give me hope. Other’s chime in, they don’t. Some know their shit! Some don’t.. Envious of what it took to earn it? That’s tuff … may have indirectly cost me a marriage ... a marriage, along with a lack of religion, that kept me from running for more than I did. But the passion remains, my hope is alive, and I’ll, if by habit alone.. continue to call out abuses that damage this nation I love and The Party that represents it.


I decided not to finish reading this rambling off topic response. Your smug boasting about your genuine ability to walk the walk and your DC insider friend is repellent. There is nothing substantive in your words.

@RoboGraham ...and I’d actually looked forward to your ‘response.’ So, you beg for attention, an explanation, insight, perhaps even hope - you’re given it - and you reject it? You are sadder than I’ve realized.. But, I’ve flushed you out, you’re a known entity - and may go elsewhere to spread your shit ~

Very sorry, though, I’d had an inkling of hope.. but you’ve confirmed what I’d suspected 😟 Regarding my political pal, I’d be embarrassed for him to know ‘we’d had this conversation.’ He sums up those like you so quick ..I haven't time to smile, so I will now … as not to leave on too sad a note 🙂


Well I've done no begging. I've asked you a few pertinent questions and been persistent in pointing out your reluctance to speak on those topics. I have had the same realization that @skado must have come to a while back which is that you offer only empty words. You are like a politician in your avoidance to get at all into the details of your baseless claims. There is no substance in your words, only repetition of MSNBC talking points.

This is indeed a sad conversation. You don't bother to pay any attention to what I'm saying to you or even read the comments I write.Therefore, there can be no communication and I won't give you the courtesy of hearing you out when you have been arrogantly ignoring me for some time now. You've behaved to a shameful degree of pretentious condescension and so I won't attempt to have discussions with you any longer.

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