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Brace yourself - This might be Trump's dirty and cynical plan for Dr. Anthony Fauci - SCAPEGOAT!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!

sassygirl3869 9 Apr 8

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Of course trump and the obstructionist republican fascists can not profit if they do not sell this medication that is not meant for this use!!!

We must realize we are nothing to these heartless fascists who use us as fodder to profit and control over us!!!

It is beyond time to stop this overtly insane agenda against us!!

We need to eradicate all republicans in office as enemies of humanity, hence treat them as they are treating us!!!

Lock them up with their families denying them medical care, housing, them feed them the food that is tainted with the toxic chemicals and preservatives just like they sell to us!!!

This agenda of mass culling by these Obstructionist republican fascist must end!!?


So sad that, when a country needs to be united in its response, power seeking self-interest from political players is dividing the country. ☹️☹️☹️


I had seen this before. How prescient, apparently the family were snake oil salesmen from way back 🙂
Even go the name right, the only thing missing is the blonde weasel on his head! HA, HA!


You can't fix stupid.


That Asshole would do anything to protect himself fauci is awesome


Dr. Fauci made him look like the asshole he is. His tenure was sealed after the first time. Mr. Thin Skin can’t stand intelligent people who make him look like the idiot he is, especially on TV during his tirades designed to keep his mutant base happy.

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