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This for those of you critical of the Bernie supporters who are not likely to support Biden. It seems the choice is the old normal or the current grifters in the White House. For many that is not a real choice. This link takes you to the article but here is a quote from it.

“ As for the obscene racial inequalities that plague the U.S. economy, which preceded the pandemic and have only been magnified in recent months, all Biden promises is to “focus like a laser” on “the racial disparities in Covid-19 cases”—as if those disparities are themselves not caused by the racial disparities that are the result of the way the American economy is currently organized.

That’s as far as Biden is willing to go. He makes absolutely no attempt to begin to imagine, let alone devise a plan for, fixing the U.S. economy and the healthcare system. No new role for workers in the places where they work. No redress for the grotesque inequalities we see around us. No renewal of the local public healthcare system, let alone Medicare for All.

There’s nothing in Biden’s plan to help or inspire anyone—except the small group at the top who want to keep things as they are and just get back to normal.”


ToolGuy 9 Apr 15

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I won’t choose between a Corporate Democrat or a Corporate-and-1%-and-fakeXian-and-narcissistic Republican.
Voters in California and 17 other states on election days have democracy because we have the direct initiative, referendum and recall. We can and do make laws without donor-dependent legislators interfering.


Sanders, like all of us, will die. He will die a winner if in his remaining time he supports Democratic Socialists for Congress, or for any elective office where they can improve their political skills.

He is already a winner. He influenced public thinking and I think will influence the Democratic candidate. He is a smart guy and a team player.
I would like other viable parties, but they are not going to happen right now. So I will vote against Trump, which of course means voting for Biden. I don't think we can afford four more years of Trump.


At least in the conservative atheists group, they mostly skip the words altogether, and do graphics, qnd their so called witty memes are usually unaccompanied by text. They just make their "salient point" and move on. I think the so called "democratic socialists" of this site could learn from them. I really do.

Is reading difficult for you?

@RoboGraham reading some of the recent posts is, yes.


Well, you could just not bother. Maybe read something you enjoy instead.

@RoboGraham what makes you think I don't enjoy this? You obviously enjoy complaining too.


There's plenty to complain about when your government is pursuing policies that hurt people and make a mess of the world and you do what you can to empower better leaders but it all gets screwed up in the corrupt system and most other people display near total apathy to it all and say you are complaining when you speak up about it.

What is it you are complaining about? The posts are to wordy and complex? You want things communicated in the form of straightforward graphics as the simple minded conservatives do? If that's the level of comprehension you are able to muster, it's no wonder you view this stuff as nothing but complaining.


. . . nothing wrong with OPINIONs, but . . .

This wordpress (ANYONE can have their own site) BLOG (ANYONE can post/comment) is not what I would call a credible source, just sayin'.

This is a very Dude response.

@RoboGraham . . . kinda off-topic, but my all-time second favorite movie funny scene is when (after 4-5 'Where's the money" dunks in the toilet) he says "It's gotta be down there somewhere, lemme have another look" -- bwahahahahah


That's a fantastic scene. Took them long enough to realize he isn't a millionaire.

It's one of my favorites and the part I like most is when Walter is giving Donny's eulogy and he can't help but to put in some references to Nam. " In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Langdok, at Hill 364. These young men gave their lives. And so did Donny. Donny, who loved bowling."

@ToolGuy . . . accusations, accusations -- please stop, you might hurt my feelings. 😛

What can I say, you know me SO well -- NOT.

I became a Software Developer over 30 years ago (how about you ? ).
I have set-up Wordpress sites, and participate in some.

I don't have problems with blogs, I contend they are NOT credible sources.

I did go to the site, looked-up RWER, then made my comment -- and I stand by it.

And by the way, if you recall, I was the one explaining to YOU (and anyone reading the comments) about timtowtdi -- how to get-around websites that "had blocks up" (your words). I think it fair to say, THAT is the OPPOSITE of (your words) "you would complain about that".

Wrong again, but thanks for playing. 🙂


Biden is uninspiring but he is several factors better than Trump, and more likely than anyone else who might pop up to beat Trump.

Sanders did do a lot to move the thinking of the country, despite now being out of the race. He also supports Biden. The public can still demands measures that he espoused. Sanders seemed a bit too left for me, but I did vote for him in the primary. Now I will vote for Biden against Trump.

Didn't read anything. Just my opinion.


Our choices for President are a mixture of incompetent and criminal. Each one of us must decide which one will kill fewer people, by denying Medicare for all, cutting social services, and by refusing to assist the World climate change efforts. If you either do not vote or vote for someone who cannot possibly win, then you must live with whatever others decide. The

I voted for Sanders in the primaty, and I'll vote against Trump in the general election; although Biden (or any other Dem) is a horrible choice.

  • “As for the obscene racial inequalities that plague the U.S. economy, which preceded the pandemic and have only been magnified in recent months, all Biden promises is to “focus like a laser” on “the racial disparities in Covid-19 cases”—as if those disparities are themselves not caused by the racial disparities that are the result of the way the American economy is currently organized.*

And yet it's the black vote that put Biden over Sanders in the primary. So my question to you would have to be this: Are the black people voting for Biden over Sanders not nearly as aware of thier own situation as the white folks voting for Sanders over Biden?

1of5 Level 8 Apr 15, 2020

I think his connection with Obama has a little bit to do with it.

@RoboGraham So why, though? What about that connection and track record would make them choose Biden over Sanders without Biden even campaigning in places he won (and just to be an ass, rub in the fact that Bernies basically been running for pres for 5 years straight and Biden sat the last cycle out)? Does that connection explain everything? CAN it explaine everything?

Or is it that we can only filter things through the lens we possess and thinking that everyone has the same lens is a fools game?


Just part of the establishment, in different colourrd clothing.

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