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When I was in high school at 17 years old and still a christian a girl in my school became my friend and started telling me stories of her boyfriend and the thing]s he does to her. One day while telling me how her boyfriend had hugged her she hugged me and told me to fuck her. I gave her an excuse and went to my room. I started feeling guilty like I had something wrong and was going to hell. I prayed and fasted for 40 days and read a book my father had ordered from abroad called I surrender. That's when I heard gods voice telling me to leave school and join ministry. I ran away from school and when I got home was taken to a psychiatrist. But I didn't get proper treatment. 10 years later after I went through a lot of painful hallucinations including imagining being raped, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Anyway when I became an atheist on a WhatsApp group for atheists in Uganda they were talking about secondary schools in Uganda and how young boys and girls are being imduced into lesbianism and homosexuality by their fellow students. Then they happened to comment that those kids are being abused. I didn't think I was abused and got in touch with this woman who had told me to fuck her in high school to let her know that i am now an atheist and she also posted on her LinkedIn profile that she works in the UK and i needed help to live my cultic family. I sent her an email about high school when she had told me that i told a friend that she's jezebel. I told her that all those years it wasn't true and that something she had told me helped me to be an atheist.she told me that we decide what's good as we live not god telling us what's good. Anyway after answering me and telling me that she will reply my email, and that we would talk more, she removed me from her connections on LinkedIn and completely avoided me. Now am feeling that i was abused and it led to my mental illness. I don't know what's happening because i feel this has worsened my mental health.

Pamelakabanda 2 Apr 21

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That is homophobic propaganda. Nobody is being forced to be a lesbian. People are born along a sexuality spectrum and that friend was probably bisexual or closeted lesbian. Her attempts at flirting were direct and forward, especially by christian african standards, but it was not abuse. The schizophrenia most likely has a genetic component as schizophrenia tends to develop in one's 20s. Please tell your doctor about the thoughts and fears you are experiencing.


I imagine things in Uganda can be rough-enough without adding non-belief and/or 'life style' choices. I tell my self "things could always be worse". Good that you are "reaching-out" here.


If you have schizophrenia you must know that is has Physical causes and you Must take your meds as prescribed! The fact that you are trying to find out whose "fault" it is tells me you are not being properly treated! See someone Now, please!

I was tempted to just say, "up your meds!" Glad someone did. 🙂


The only ones guilty of abusing you in your story are the ones who gave you the beliefs that your 17 yo desires were wrong, certainly not the young girl who desired you. You need to talk this out with a professional.

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