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Trump attacks Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe who tells him to take a rest and let Mike Pence actually run things. Agree/Disagree??

sassygirl3869 9 May 4

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Pence can not even notice when other are wearing PPE!

How can pence even run his mouth, he can not!

His wife does it for him!!!


Pence at this point is just a Trump puppet. If Trump doesn’t move his hand he has up Mike’s ass to make his lips move, he can’t speak anyway. 🤣


Disagree totally


Hmmm, agree that Pence should run things? I'm in the middle - the "/" because Pence is concentrated evil to be sure, but not nearly as dumb as Trump. So he might help push more directly towards America becoming a religious police state. A Christian Saudi Arabia. But, at least it would be more predictable, and less maddening! Trump is just pushing America towards Anarchy and perhaps civil war.

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