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This is my take on people like this emotionless asswipe who is willing let people die for the "good" of the nation:

In Shirley Jackson's short story, "The Lottery," a person is chosen to die every year so that crops will will be plentiful. The village is willing to sacrifice one of their own. People have been abhorred by this story since it was written in the 1950s; now, we see it played out by Republicans.

In Ursula LeGuin's short story, "The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas," the country is prosperous because a child is kept in a basement, abused and hungry. The child is a sacrifice/scapegoat so tha the rest of the people can prosper. The treatment of the child has angered readers for decades, as well.

Some ancient societies sacrificed people for the good of the community; their gods were pleased by the sacrifices. Modern people are supposed to be "beyond" this. However, the Republican "gods" are quite willing to accept such sacrifices and some people are willing to offer up the lives of others. It amazes me that some Christians can support these idols. Christ died for their sins, but they are willing to let people die to satisfy the shortsightedness and now, the desires of their demagogues.

I suggest that the politicians and people who say that the deaths are "just" collateral damage be the first ones sacrificed.

Gwendolyn2018 9 May 5

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I read The Lottery in HS, in fact, we did a play. I didn't understand it then, I sure do now!


Palestinians are murdered daily for sacred zionism practitioners are ALL incumbents taking bribes from AIPAC .....I feel like vomiting when people say they must vote BidenS against TrumpOLINI when 45 is only guilty of war crimes 3 years 3 months 3 weeks BidenS has been voting for the murder of Palestinians 47 years WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs clear conscience saving lives cleaning air pure water organic food free healthcare

@Gwendolyn2018 Palestinians are sacrificed for the war economy by both Republocrats and Rethuglicans illegal wars in 160 countries sacrificing innocent people for USA is not honest to blame one party for the profits in biowars F35s drones depleted Uranium artillery shells anti tank rockets to Ukraine by both parties....Agent Orange biowar Fort Detrick Antietam Maryland closed February due to "biohazards" .....cherry picking facts causes more deaths

@Gwendolyn2018 9 countries have been waging biowars illegally since 1914 the corono viruses have been weaponized and countries blame each other for letting it spread human to human species to human and laboratory into the environment....vaccine research is inseparable from secret molecular biological technologies

@Gwendolyn2018 all the wars rage on under the charade of party this or party that ONE GOOD THING FROM THE SHUTdown ....air quality measures weekly if not daily is healing our lungs with cleaner air REDUCED POLLUTION


Extraordinarily put.
One must remember that modern American Christians have an outlook ( that even some preacher types are starting to fuss about) that they can do whatever they want, because they are blessed and therefore their personal gratification is all that matters.Screw everyone else.

AND...all they need to do is ''sincerely repent'' and all's forgiven! Rattle some beads, same some words and BINGO....all's clean again!


As long as things are going well it is OK to sacrifice an individual, as soon as this no longer works then one has to change their mind. Too bad we are still at this place in our collective being. We are only as good or as safe as our least provided for individual. I one heard someone say something to the effect of, "The US aways does what is best for its people, they just have to try everything else first." Would not want to disappoint.


Sometimes some hard decisions have to be made.

@Gwendolyn2018There are always risks no matter what decision you make. Of course by opening up people are going to die. The question is who and how many will die as opposed to remaining in shutdown mode indefinitely.

If a mosquito lights on your arm you ought not shoot it with a shotgun.

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