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What is better than sex?

Redcupcoffee 7 Apr 4

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Drunk sex. But that's hard for me. I indulge in both with scary frequency. If alcohol is not inside me, or I'm not inside someone, I feel like I'm doing something wrong.


Better than the actual sex? The lead in and the lead out. Not to mention the pleasure of giving pleasure.

I'd consider that part of sex 😉


Whipped cream, strawberries, and chocolate syrup during sex!

ebdb Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

Nothing. Until immediately after, of course. ?


I went ice boating a couple of times. It was such a gas I would consider it at least a strong contender.


Sex and donuts!


Well, there are things that complement sex like a good night out, a good chat and a laugh. if your answer is more sex then you didn't do it properly as @Redcupcoffee didn't put a time limit on her question. the whole buildup is part of it too but you couldn't call it sex. the intimate cuddle after would is nice and that certain glow you have after a good session.


A back scratch. Great coffee. A Hemi Challenger.




Better than rubbish sex, better than normal good sex, or better than earth-shattering this is fucking incredible mind boggling fantastic sex?


Gee, well if you have to ask..... (Yes, that's all I have to say)


A really great meal. The perfect coffee in the mornings. In the driver's seat of a high performance vehicle.
Then of course if I was offered unbridled pornographic sex, I think I could wait on the previously mentioned.

I'm pretty sure we could chat about that sometime.


Snuggling afterwards


Have you ever had a Resse's cup in between to Rits crackers?

Whether 'tis better to or two, or too. That IS the question. Is it better to approach a thing, count both of them, or realize you have more tan necessary?

@Gnarloc I'll take that as a yes.

That would be taking it too far.


Repeat as needed. 😉


A powerball win, or hitting a 7 figure slots jackpot has gotta be up there. ? ?


Chocolate Ice Cream


Love. Sex without an emotional connection is just like masturbation with a partner. But put love and sex together, it is exponentially more gratifying.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 4, 2018

Having a loving family is better than sex. Lasts longer and it's more satisfying too!


Depends on the quality of the Sex. If it's crappy sex lots of things. Really good sex. MAYBE a juicy pastrami sandwich AFTER the sex.

I find pastrami to be the most sensual of the salted, cured meats.

@MrHIT has to be fatty. Not lean.

@jperlow was trying to make an obscure Seinfeld reference, but I probably butchered the line - when George has his sex while eating food obsession.


Not much if anything but coming in a very close 2nd would be mutual respect and enjoyment of a kindred soul.


By the time I figure that out, I'll just want to have sex again. So uh uh, I'll just take the sex already.


I think it depends on what purpose you are using/wanting sex for. I think sex is amazing and is the most wonderful gift nature bestowed on lifeforms.


Nothing that I can think of.

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