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George Floyd's brother on Trump's condolence call - he didn't give me the opportunity to speak. Called after Biden did??? Trying to act presidential???? Give me a break!!!!! WTF!!!! Hypocrite-in-Chief agree/disagree?

sassygirl3869 9 May 31

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I'm so sorry for his loss, I'm sure he was not expecting anything in the way of condolences since we all know trump lacks the ability to empathize. The call was made because trump knows what looks good to other people, it's all an act.


Trump has no idea how to offer condolences, that requires empathy. Something Trump was born without.


Trump can't do anything for anyone unless somebody else does it first.


Trump should just shut up.

TO_BY Level 7 May 31, 2020

LOL ... ghost pepper enema ...

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