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What's your zodiac sign ? Is it accurate with your personality ? Are you more compatible with different signs ? Are there certain signs that you stay away from ?

Wildgreens 8 Apr 4

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Even if they had validity the changes in the positions of stars over time has made it non representative of the correct falsehood. So it’s not only fake, it’s also wrongπŸ™‚

It's all in fun ?


Wow, an astrology believer on a skeptic site. There is just as much evidence for astrology as there is for god(s), fairies, demons, and any other woo you can mention. This just goes to show that A-theists can believe just about anything like everyone else.


Pyrex. I was a test-tube baby.

Jnei Level 8 Apr 4, 2018

If that's true, COOL If it's not, LOL.


I don't believe in Astrology either.


My zodiac sign is Draco. I don't believe in witches, fortune tellers, or psychics any more than religion; but since people like to identify with astrological signs that were made up by crackpots or con-artists, I made up my own.

It describes me perfectly because it is just mine. It's a little weak in predicting anything though. I just flip a coin to see if it'll be a generally good or bad day. I have about a 50% accuracy rate.

JimG Level 8 Apr 4, 2018

Love your Draco sign Idea, neat !!
Is just in fun ?.

Just one minor problem - Draco is not in, or even close to, the Zodiac! It's a bit like saying - my favourite Caribbean country is Chile!

@TerryMoseley I do appreciate the astronomical accuracy of that reply. I just don't have any appreciation for astrology.


My sign is minotaur. See what I did there?


I do my best to stay away from Stop signs..



I am sorry if you don't like my comment but gotta say it otherwise keeping this things bottled up is not good....... A lot of us are here because don't believe in anything.... It didn't occur to you that astrology might be one of those things? I hope it is a fair question and I would be interested in a serious response.

Is just in fun, nothing serious ?

Fair enough... Peace !!


My favorite sign is, and this is totally real, "This Road Serves as an Emergency Airstrip". The wording may have been different, it was 25 years ago or so. Driving from Skagway to Whitehorse, then to Vancouver, there was a 100 mile plus section of dirt road. Every time the road straightened out, you'd see one of these signs.

As far as Zodiac signs having any validity? They don't. Sorry. I'm a Taurus if it matters to anyone.


I am a scorpio, and found the meanings, even the indepth ones, to be only so-so on acuracy - and less so, the more enlightened I become.

However, I recently discovered a native people's (cherokee I think) wheel that is similar but is based on animals associated with that season/time a person is born. I found these to be more accurate for me. The correlation made sense as we are biological creatures and our hormones and activities change with the seasons and affect how we view ourselves and act in the world.

By that particular wheel, I am a snake, Which I am happier with not just because it is better than the connotations surrounding scorpions. Snakes are slow to anger, they are flexible in mind and are able to transform themselves - much like shedding old skin. These and other descriptions fit who I am better.

@sarahjustme I haven't explored the Chinese calendar much, and the Vedic I didn't know about at all. Thanks!

@sarahjustme There is a woman on YouTube that does Vedic astrology. Her name is Joni Patry. She is very good

I wonder what happens if you are born in the tropics, where there are no seasons, and the same animals are active all year round? Or if you are an Inuit, and are born during the winter when no animals are active? Indeed, if you are an Inuit your choice would seem to be limited mainly to Polar bears, Arctic foxes and hares, and maybe a hardy Caribou!
Is there any real difference between that and the 12 year Chinese Horoscope - the Year of the Dog, of the Horse, etc?
As for snakes, some are very quick to anger indeed! And I'm not aware of any studies of snakes which indicate that they are flexible in mind - can you quote any?
Also how do snakes transform themselves? - Shedding skin is not transformation, any more than giving yourself a good exfoliating scrub: it's just what happens naturally as they grow bigger; and they have no other sort of 'transformation'.
So the 'wheel' is a nice idea, apparently in tune with nature and the environment, but it doesn't really make much sense.
It helps to always apply a bit of critical thinking, especially thinking of what sort of illogicalities, errors, omissions or exceptions there might be, before accepting any new ideas.

@TerryMoseley You are sweet to school me in critical thinking. Thank you for looking out for my wandering mind.

My description of 'snake' was what the snake embodied in one particular version of native lore. It is a representation of personality traits and by no means encompasses them all. I did not explain that properly. I apologize that you were confused and thought I meant it literally.

And while yes actual snakes have a quick bite, they'd rather move away then fight you. If you back them in a corner or surprise them, they'll use what they have.

As with all myths and stories, the native wheel is specific to the culture that developed it and does not apply well to other regions or cultures. I'm not native by heritage or by culture, so I don't claim them as my own. But I do loosely explore the myth/stories as a way to examine my self, my preferences, my values to gain more understanding.

That's what any of us do. And many of us enjoy exploring our personalities through the lens of other cultures and myths.

Please don't assume that the members on this thread (or any other) are lacking in critical thinking simply because we are exploring different ways to express our selves with tools that originally were a religion or world view.

@vmfreesoul You are being quite charitable in saying "I'm sweet", so I'll try to reciprocate!
I wasn't trying to 'school you' in critical thinking, but rather pointing out a lot of the fundamental flaws in astrology itself which most people are unaware of. Many critics just concentrate on the psychological factors of most people only picking out the positive things, which obviously reinforce the perception that it seems to work.
That's true too, but what I was emphasising were the major defects in the whole rationale for astrology.
Everyone is free to adopt whatever philosophy or worldview they wish: I just try to ensure that the information underlying them is made more widely available.
Enjoy whatever you choose!


The astrology column in the newspaper used to include a feature called "If today is your birthday" to describe the characteristics of people born on a particular day. For example, George Takei - who played Sulu on Star Trek was born on April 20th. I don't recall the description of people who were born on that date, however it's worth noting that April 20th is also Adolph Hitler's birthday. That kind of thing tended to dampen my enthusiasm for astrology as a reliable predictor of personalities or proclivities.

That's interesting. I didn't know when Takei's birthday was, but I do know that the Hitler connection does dampen the whole 420 thing.

Funny you should say about Hitler's Birthday mine is Charles Manson's Birthday...

@TweedleDee Q.E.D.

@TXLarry whats QED

@TweedleDee It's an abbreviation that people used to put at the end of a geometry or logic proof. It means, "that proves my case." I was using it ironically to suggest that your birthday being the same as Manson's proves astrology is true (not).

@TXLarry That's correct: it comes from the Latin "Quod Erat Demonstrandum", or 'that which was to be proved'.


T-Rex !


I think if you don't take them too seriously, you can use them for fun, but they are way too general for me. I think we look for things to connect to.


I am a Scorpio with a Rising and Moon sign is Capricorn. Yes I am very true to my sign. As far as hurting others I have mellowed as I aged. I am a more kinder person. My capatible sign is Pisces or Cancer another water sign. My ex was a Pisces. But if another one came along I would definitely give them a try. I have a friend who is a Gemini and we went together for a short time we now get along great and hit it off mentally but he got married. Leo is my worst sign, we butt heads constantly

My favorite friends are my Pisces friends.??


HECK yes, Lioness in her truest form.

I'm not compatible with most other fire signs. Air signs always land me in beautiful, productive relationships, Water signs are questionable, and Earth signs can make for STRONG bonds.

My real compatability flags center around Moon signs (especially for females) and their Ayurvedic Dosha, along with their Nakshatra (or, "Lunar Mansion" )

Considering I was pretty clear about how I'm not compatible with most other fire signs, you can imagine that, no, that has never worked with me.

And I'm not your baby.

Who understands you SACatWalker: ?
First you reply to this earlier on the post-
Doesn't matter. No. Doesn't matter and.... no.
Then you called
soundofthereign baby.

@Wildgreens When flirtation goes wrong. 😟


I stay away from falling rock and danger signs. Does that count?


I am a Gemini, and so am I.

I try to stay away from Cancers. I don't like the name, and I had a bad experience in a relationship with one,

I tend to like Aries and Sagittarians,

I don't really believe in it though, but it is fun to look at.


JK666 Level 7 Apr 4, 2018

I don’t believe in Astrology or the Easter Bunny or Jesus.
To be polite I answer β€œI try to be a well-balanced Libra”.


Aries....and yes, l am a dick. I repel all signs equally.

@idlopalev You don't look like a dick. πŸ™‚

@pthomas59 lol



I think that’s giving it too much credit. At least acupuncture and chiropractors and the organic lobby pretend to be authentic.

This is the national enquirer of pseudoscience


Cusp of Sagittarius/Capricorn. I am much more a Sagittarius--I'm terrible with money. ?

Personally, I think it's fun. I mean, I also take those Harry Potter sorting quizzes (Slytherin represent, y0) but that doesn't mean I believe in that, either. It's just amusement, guys.


Virgo! I'm not deeply into that stuff, so I can't answer your other questions.

I am a Virgo. Somewhat organized, make lists, very loving and good with people. Do not get along with neat freaks and controlling people. I have gotten along well with Aquarius, Aries, Virgos, Leos and Sagitarius.  Its fun to look at - I have a close friend who is an astrologer.

If you are all those things, it has nothing to do with your being a "virgo" and everything to do with being who you are.

I agree. More fun than serious.

Fun ?


Just read every comment on this, very surprising to see that a group of freethinking agnostic/atheists would put any stock in astrology. I’m not sure what to think of that? To me it’s supernatural hooey, like another form of religion with no basis in reality. I’ve got to side with Neil Degrasse Tyson on this one. Present a random horoscope to an audience and ask the audience, β€œwho in the audience feels as though this represents them?” far more than 1/12th of the people raise their hands and that’s all it takes disprove astrology. They are general and you can find meaning to apply to your life almost anyplace you look for it. Hey, if it’s fun and you know it’s entertainment that’s one thing but if you miss out on what could be the greatest relationship of your life because they are a particular sign thats almost a form discriminatory bigotry, it’s judging people based on a supernatural unfalsafiable premise. If you believe in this stuff while at the same time claiming agnosticism frankly I’m confused. Then consider a sign is missing from the zodiac and that the stars have moved so you really aren’t even the sign you think you are. If someone in a bar ever asks me what my sign is my answer will be, STOP.


If you are an agnostic / atheist, why do you believe in astrology? - It's just as much mumbo-jumbo as religion!


I am Scorpio and it is very accurate with my personality. I have just recently starting understanding Zodiac compatibility (thanks Aquarius!), and have found that some signs are definatly like nails on a chalkboard (thanks Aqaurius!). I think the personality traits expressed in Zodiac are usually very accurate. In the future, I am staying away from Leo, AQUARIUS!, and probably Gemini. Seeking Pisces, Cancer, Virgo and to hell with it, Scorpio ⚑?? Weird thing I have noticed is that sometimes the worst match overall is also the best intimate/sexual match. Point taken Mother Nature!


You seem to be very well educated and walking your path in who and where you want in your life.

@TweedleDee thank you very much, you are so kind!

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