How do you feel about people who just want to put people down, whether it's in opinions or discussions? I have seen an increase in the number of people who are insulting our fellow users.
I have had a number of people say very inappropriate things to me, or I have read them on other posts. And a few people who have talked to me about how they are feeling under attack here.
I feel that the number of people who are abusive or outright rude has increased as the site has grown, and I am becoming less interested in discussions. I feel connected to the idea of this site so would like it to succeed. There are good people here, but some of us are feeling like we are getting drowned out.
What do you think we can do as a group to make this site better?
We're all entitled to our opinion, but if someone says something that is out and out disrespectful they should be called on it. There's a fine line between being opinated and being offensive and we all cross it at times. A decent person will own it and apologize; for anyone where it becomes their M.O., I say they should be dealt with appropriately.
Sticks and stones, babe; sticks and stones.
@ScienceBiker I agree, words definitely can hurt. I don’t think Akfishlady is talking about people who simply have a difference of opinion, but people who are attacking you as a person. Or a group of people. Racism, sexism, etc.
And yes, please don’t call a woman babe, honey, etc unless you’re in a relationship with them.
@ScienceBiker Sticks and stones, bud; sticks and stones.
@Marcie1974 And even being a dick in ways that has nothing to do with any particular class. Being condescending. Insulting. Ugly. Just because you can. It's disgusting.
@ScienceBiker Please don't encourage others to resort to male genital mutilation in resolving their language angst. It's evil to bring up that option, and I am offended.
I’ve never been a member of any group where everyone agreed on everything. One would think that the logic people apply to become an atheist would hold true on other topics. it’s rare but I have seen a lack of critical thinking applied to veganism and meditation. Both are areas on my radar. But I can deal) it’s certamly a much bigger issue on FB.
I see call thewm out or block.flag them received the most votes - HURRAH!! I f the majority will continue to stand for the respect ideals that are the purpose of this site I think the abusers can be weeded out.
Disagreement with anothers believes is fine but personally attacking another for their beliefs is NOT welcome or appropriate or necessary.
On this site I've not encountered any problems in that regard.
On facebook, yes, I simply tell the person I refuse to name call, It's my opinion, or go check the facts before trying to attck me.
@Akfishlady Ultimately personal experience is what we go by, it can be an opinion but facts like 2 plus 2 are not going to change. If someone claimed to be a psychiatrist attacked I would have to think they are either not really a healthcare practioner or if they really are what they say and personally attack they are not good at what they do. It is possible to educate without attacking.
that's a dark road
On the whole i find this site really good compared to most online "forums" or sosial media. I have onyl encountered dissagreement personaly and seen a few "attacks".. However if doing so i put them right.. IF need be i am ready to tear people a new universe lol .. But i always give benfit of the doubt as easy to misunderstand people in text, rather than face to face. Sorry to hear people are getting grief. Call it out .. flag if unnaproriate. .. if need be take it further.
I don't mind legit points of view. What I can't stand are personal attacks. I have a hard time ignoring statements that are patently false, mean spirited, misinformed or in poor taste. Most of the time it's better though to just ignore/block/unfollow someone, because the worst thing you can do is continue give them attention. That being said, I have one major hot button topic....abuse of men and false allegations against men.
Thanks for your feedback. Sorry I didn't address gender attacks. They don't belong here.
Confront then block. No one has been rude to me in a post, just in the messanger. Would not take no for an answer.
If someone is rude to you and especially attacks you in a message please report them to Administration. You can message them your concerns. BTW we have had a few scammers here. The Levels limit them-beware of anyone below a Level 5.
I've enjoyed reading and responding so many posts here, including yours, @akfishlady! I can't pick just one of your poll questions as they all apply on certain days, with certain people, and certain posts. Others have already said everything I would say, so I'll just echo with Keep Perspective, Block Trolls, Be Kind (Or, in the vernacular - Don't Be A Dick). Or to paraphrase the famous words of the forgetful Dory - Just keep scrolling!
This isn't something I have had problems with, but I haven't been here very long. Sometimes I feel that people are a bit abrupt or rude through lack of education or social experience, rather than because they want to be unpleasant, so I am in favour of talking to them about it and giving them a chance to behave better..
I have my good days and my "total bitch" days. I try to be respectful to most people, but I have limits and when I hit them you won't like me.
We all have those days, what I do is reread my post three or four times and make sure I am getting my point across as I intend it. I have deleted posts written in the heat of the moment and changed substantially the wording of others especially if I know I am off-center at that time.
But that's just me, welcome to the human race and don't judge us too quickly.
You seem ok to me. But that's coming from me, so consider the source.
@irascible you favour sugared tomatoes I favour mine salted. A favourite memory of my grandmother was a neighbour of hers who dangled a freshly picked tomato over the high wall separating their houses on a fishing line and bamboo stake. After washing it the tomato was sliced and we shared the slices dipping them into a mound of sugar on a plate before consuming them.
Why do I now eat salted tomato?
Why is LadyA acerbic to you? Has she admitted such and explained why? Or should she also be sent to the "gas chambers"?
I hadnt noticed
@irascible my bad LOL indeed. I will edit, but the principle remains. However your comment also makes a great deal more sense.
@irascible now the question is do you mean acerbic as in sharp and forthright or sour? Either way it is fine by me. I will not pretend to be a sweet and kind person who tolerates everything without limit. Yours, as well, seem quite acerbic at times.
Those who take pleasure in insulting and berating others deserve to enjoy the other end of the spectrum themselves.
@Akfishlady Dang, good joke here, but can't use it on a string talking about being nice.
Like a NICE ban or block til they can play nicely with others.
I have been on this site for a brief time but know whereof you speak. My method has been to shore up the feelings of the person who was criticised.
It's not easy to always be aware of how words can cut. I have a natural affinity for sarcasm, but I try to keep it in check because I know it can be harmful.
Criticism is easy.
I've noticed a lot of unkind comments here and there. For the most part, people are pretty decent, but even on a site like this there are the "self-righteous" kinds who like to revel in their superiority. I call them out every time.
The option that is not there, is what some have considered or are doing--coming here less, and participating less.
A post like this pops up at least once a week. It is there. It happens. SOME people are intentionally or carelessly dickheads. I won't hesitate to block somebody, so I'm not even seeing a lot of what others are seeing. HOWEVER, it does bother me that rarely does anybody in this community stand up and say "Knock it off, asshole!"
I do not believe that "Ignoring them" makes them go away. They find their victims, they behave like dickheads and on and on it goes.
I am now somewhat apathetic about these posts. Not about you, personally, Ask -- it's just I think people want to "drop their two cents and keep scrolling."
So, I'll keep blocking the assholes; other people will keep disappearing or not participating; and everybody's happy and it's all butterflies and rainbows, right?
Yes as we have grown in number of members I am noticing that @Akfishlady. There are some new members that like to argue a position. We also have some good intelligent debates. We can block/report them if they are hateful towards any ethnic or racial or religious group. You had a couple of good ideas that I liked. Creating a group for Level 8 members might be the way to go. We have been here the longest and it would create a forum to discuss the community and our concerns about safety and respect. I do tend to call someone out if they are posting comments that are anti LGBTQ, racial, ethnic and disabilities. Who wants to head the group? I'm in 10 groups right now and feel stretched to the max.
Or a group for level 7 and above - been here a long time but without as much time to spend here, sadly, because of work, commitments, etc. And then I have a goal to get to Level 7 much sooner.
I'm level 7, and not going to get to level 8 any time soon. I work 12 hour shifts, and I don't post just to garner points, and I don't start very many discussions. If you want to exclude people who don't have as much time to spend here, and or haven't been posting every random thought (yes, I know that's hyperbole, but you see my point, right?) There won't be much reason for me to participate at all. It's going to take take me about two years total to reach level 8. I joined last November.
so did I -should be Level 7 and up if we do it.
@Akfishlady As soon as I hit level 7 I will be there. I'm not always able to be here as often as I would like!
Thanks @Akfishlady for taking charge. I'll sign up for group. Just waking up need coffee
I haven't seen what you mean, or maybe I didn't find it rude because I agreed with them. This is a science site, (why am I equating science and agnostic opinion? Good question. I assume everyone does, but that's not true.) and I have seen people being a little sarcastic when people bring up non evidence based concepts as real. Is that what you mean?
OK, I just read a quite rude response that said that homelessness is caused by laziness. I think that I generally ignore such things and move on to the next comment.
I guess it depends on what the opinion is based on what experiences? Like for example, if I said that I had seen an angel so I believe angels exist, then it seems a reasonable comment to ask for some proof. The more non credible your statement, the more proof is required.
To some degree, the more crazy the statement, the more just a somewhat rude response might be.
Engaging someone who can't expound beyond insults is the equivalent of picking your nose with mittens...
I am well aware that on the law of arithmetic averages every opinion that I hold will be disagreed with by fifty percent of people. That does not necessarily make either of us wrong nor is there valid reason to disallow either the right to say their belief. The more complicated the issue the greater the likelihood that agreement will not be reached.
It particularly fascinates me that since participating in discussion and reading others opinions on this site I have become far more intolerant of what some are taking to be correct procedure. The above questionaire is a case in point. I understood this site to be for non believers and for people to find suitable partners. However how inducive is it of tolerance and equality to say "not only do I not agree with what you say, I do not want to hear your argument, I simply want to ban you and censor your voice!" How childish and snowflake is that? ... LOL. I have a memory of two people caught censoring parts of a psychologist's lecture on how to achieve good relationships by cutting out all mention of sex because they did not think it necessary or want to be embarrassed by hearing his comments as they believed that it wasn't the cause of their marital breakups! The lecture was to be listened to by a group of mainly dysfunctional people unable to hold their relationships together.
I have also noticed that there is a propensity by some members having identified the folly of previous religious belief through indoctrination to have a void in their lives that they can only fill by now carrying on ad nauseum about the nonsense of religion. Please what are you trying to achieve by preaching / arguing with the converted? Please get a life and move on to create new bright better lives for yourselves instead of harping on about the same old same. At times I'm reminded of God botherers in a church singing the same hymns year in year out, saying the same prayers and listening to the same proselytising fairy tale stories. I wouldn't care but few are willing to actually pay back for their wasted years by going out and evangelizing to get others to come to reason.
So as I said to someone recently "we disagree, I don't waste my time having taken a horse to the water forcing its head in the trough, you go your way , I mine".
If however as this person said they "despised" a cultural art form that I love and that art forms a large and important part of my life reflecting as it does life in general and specifically I will challenge their ignorance and failure to recognise what far superior minds than mine or theirs have considered to be the heights of human achievement. Snowflakes melt away when the Chinook blows.
Agree with everything except the snowflake remark.
@phil21 ????? Chinook a warm wind that melts snowflakes - []
@FrayedBear I was think Vietnam era copters! No, I don't like name-calling, even if it is a weird insult like snowflake.
@phil21 please supply a better descriptive to explain an inappropriate option - not a named person but a stated illegal option in the majority of countries of the world that do not prima facie condone censorship of opinion.
@FrayedBear Less is more.
Change "How childish and snowflake is that? " to "How childish is that?" And I see I was incorrect is saying you referred to someone by that term. I do apologize.
@phil21 I suggest that the term snowflake is synonymous with childish and so my inclusion of it is partially superfluous. Snowflake however has many other connotations and what amuses me, is the fact that in reality it has been developing probably for hundreds of years. When I read the discussion in Wikipedia, [], I can identify some descriptions equally applicable to my own development sixty years ago, others 30 years ago through to the present time. And so I question the use of the association with a specific generation. As I have previously mentioned labelling something tends to obviate practical and logical evaluation, simply leading to hasty judgements. I however do not result from my use of the word in this discussion. That may well be my own childishness but snowflake behaviour it isn't.
I thank you for your addition to my understanding and knowledge.
Not my experience... My starting point always is, treat as I like to be treated. Works just fine for me. Again, cannot emphasize enough, this is me speaking for myself.
But what if people do not reciprocate or like a person with Tourette's syndrome is unable to? What is your policy then - the gas chambers?
I have a thick skin and have no problem with just ignoring when needed. Its nothing personal. Cannot be...we all are virtual entities here
Wish everyone acted accordingly.
@IamNobody Virtual entities - what a wonderful expression and concept. I frequently rail on about the idiocy of government departments, companies and their policies. It is amazing how often employees, particularly young and not so young women take it personally. Of course the more wound up I become the more I fail to observe the reaction of others. My suspicion is a touch of aspberghers. When it becomes apparent that the other is distressed I have only identified one possible "saver" and that is to burst out laughing. Then explain that I am not personally having a go at them but the policy adopted by the organisation and that I'm actually suggesting what their CEO or department head should have done long ago to make life easier for poor people like her who have to work under such primitive conditions.
Censorship sucks. No matter who is doing it, or why.
The more people there are on the site, and the more interaction there is, the more we're going to see some people "behaving badly". Some folks are better at expressing themselves than others.
Some folks don't feel compelled to engage in thoughtful discourse, or tolerate contrary opinions.
Personally, I'd prefer no one be censored. If someone says something I don't like, I'll either ignore it and keep scrolling, or, if it's particularly heinous to me, I'll call them out on it.
That said, I have noticed an influx of believers to the site. So far, I haven't caught anyone proselytizing, but I'm sure that'll happen eventually, too.
@Akfishlady I would think after awhile they'd just be talking to themselves after having been blocked so many times.
I do have a dating profile on here, so I want to see who's too "extra" and who can keep it together.
@Akfishlady I'd rather know who I'm dealing with, and then I can proceed as I see fit.
Some people are just going to be assholes. Depending on who you ask, I could sometimes be considered one of them.
the only problem I see with censuring is that others of us might not get to see the issue and those in question could return behaving their bad selves under another guise.
I've only blocked a couple who seemed to have an obsession about certain topics that would just drag on to infinity so instead of notifications blowing up was just easier.
I don't mind a sharp keyboard tongue here and there when warranted and think I'm guilty of that myself at times.
@Akfishlady same with the gun nuts. I missed the name calling insults.
and still I'd rather know who says these sorts of things and what their "snapping" point is.
If this was a community only site totally yes.
E.g. in other forums, some of which I help moderate, we often leave things up as a warning to others who not to bother dealing with, unless it falls into libel/slander territory of course.
I've written kind of a manifesto on this which I have now linked from my profile. It's called "DON'T BE AN ATH-HOLE".
I am happily free to be an asshole and will continue. Sick to death of putting up with peoples BS in the name of being nice.
@Blindbird That's your right. But the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.
@jperlow exactly why I've stopped being nice and putting up with shit. Never works. I have found that being vocal and forceful about my rights and boundaries gets me much better results. So go along and play with your trite lil' homilies.
@Blindbird what exactly did I do to elicit such hostility from you? Or is it that when people are caught in the act of behaving badly the natural instinct is to lash out at the person bringing it to their attention?
So far I haven't encountered this, but I'm relatively new. I hope it doesn't become a problem. It's one reason why I hardly ever do FB anymore. I'd hate for this place to get filled with trolls. I do think the old adage "Don't feed the troll" is a good one; these people want it, whether it's good or bad. That being said, if they really cross a line they should be flagged.
IMO, it's not only or always trolls.
I really have come across no rudeness . Lots of opinions though !
#PervyTrolls are like that?
@Akfishlady @Emme As is the case with most websites, there's a certain type of man who feels the need to grandstand and attempt to show their supposed intellectual superiority whenever they encounter an intelligent woman who expresses her opinions.