Have you ever been offended by being an agnostic or atheist?
Never......I’m not delusional in any way........religious people are
IF you want to get offended then just go up to the nearest Bible-Bashing, Pulpit-pounding, God-bothering Christian you can find, they're easy to find by the way, and tell them you are an Atheist/Agnostic especially IF they are Catholic, Evangelists, etc, etc, they ARE only TOO happy to oblige.
Welcome. If I understood you right, not at all.
You arrived late to this party
@Cutiebeauty was volunteering today Delaware reserve medical corp at food bank
@bobwjr today? This was posted five days ago
Well, yeah, anytime we are scapegoated, disparaged, and harassed, of course.
My short answer is No. A longer answer is this.
I went to 1st & 2nd grade in a l rural town. The little kid's shool house was big, old and solid brick. The big kids (3rd & 4th graders) went to a smaller, newer frame building; it intimidated me terribly. Ike was President, the Mccarthy era was in full swing.
The only thing I can remember of first grade was an assembly in the big kids building having to do with the addition to the Pledge of Alliegence of the words "under God". We were learning the new ritual. I declared myself an Athiest and sat silently in my chair as we practiced the new words. I was terrified. I can rememer every detail of that dingy school room, from the undulating wood floor to truly black blackboards.
To my suprise and dissapointment, nothing happened. Since then lots of things do intimidate me but certainly not being an atheist.
No. I'm proud to be an agnostic. The more Christians I talk to, the more I'm proud of my Agnostictism.
I think you mean being stereotyped for being so?
If that is what you were getting at, I think almost everyone would say yes. There was a poll I read a while ago where it said that Atheist's are the least trustworthy. I can't remember which poll it was.
Where I live, being an atheist makes you an outsider in your community. I have had elders who have offended me or teaching me why one should trust in God for all good and bad that happens and when you don't they aren't impressed.
I apologize. I didn't realize English was not your first language. When you say Elders, to which religion do you refer? Were they Christian missionaries?