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Whenever and wherever there is a religious group attempting to comingle their religious beliefs with government, those attempting to do so, that group is defiling its own religion. In effect, it is saying that the theology lacks the intellectual, moral, and persuasive authority to stand on its own. In so acting, they are admitting that, in its weakness, it must use government to force its beliefs on others through the rule of law.

wordywalt 9 July 12

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It's why, I find Religion and Governments, corrupted, flawed and unjust. I only agree for Governments to take care of the small stuff, not to run our lives.


Well said. Government = Force. I would add bullies and highwaymen to the rule of law. It has no teeth otherwise.


501 [6]
c3 [6]
1023 [6]


@wordywalt ha well, "government" inevitably makes a financial bargain with religion bc the two are in bed together, lets say. Religious organizations are 501c3's right

@bbyrd009 Let's hope that much of that is erased in thy next administration.

@wordywalt man, i don't see how. seems to me that politics needs religion, basically


I guess you're describing all Christian Religion since they are in it for sex and money.

Trod Level 5 July 12, 2020

Absolutely agree. A true religion would know better than to try and align with a government. Even the Jesus knew that (render unto Caesar that which is Caesar and unto god that which is god's). BTW that expression is about taxes meaning religions should pay taxes which here they do not.


Doesn't bother them, they already believe in magic

bobwjr Level 10 July 12, 2020

In America, you are used to religion trying to co-opt government for its own agenda. In the UK it has been the other way around. The church of England (C of E) was established purely so that Henry viii could marry his trophy wife (and requisition a huge amount of Catholic wealth - beats paying alimony any day).
As a result, the C of E is an established religion inside the tent pissing out. Bishops have guaranteed seats in the house of lords (our senate), so they have a say but no power. The queen is the lay head of the church so we do not need "In God we trust" on banknotes and courtrooms, the monarch's coat of arms is sufficient. She is head of state and C of E so anything that her govt decides falls de-facto inside religious parameters.
In practice, the crossbench bishops in the lords do pretty good work. They are often the most vociferous opponents of welfare reform that might harm the less fortunate. When they do speak out on things like abortion, it will be to amend not ban. The law states that a pregnancy can be terminated if the fetus cannot live unsupported outside the womb. As medical science improves, the cut-off date for this obviously shortens. It is only right that a society re-examins this periodically and I have no problem with the church asking the question.


Nooooo! Religions are all bad? Really?

I did not say that, nor did I imply that.

@wordywalt all religions are evil.


Well put. It seems they only want the gravy, the others get the beans

twill Level 7 July 12, 2020

All religions defile laws, morality, and ethics!

Religions are nothing more than a profit center for a very small group of males who only want to dominate their cult followers for their own fun, power and personal gain!!!

A generalization that is not overt, just truthful!!!


Yes, they nerd govt assistance because “god” is an ad-hoc, convenient answer for everything - and an explanation for nothing😂


"If god don't like it, why don't god stop it ?" That is very true, especially of theist religions. Though it has to be said that many religions would use the, 'god works through men' principle as a counter and that does hold water logically. Though it is hard to justify it and hold to miracle claims at the same time, but then they do always like to have it both ways.


Funny how that works isn't it. 🤬

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