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(Trump) It’s not a campaign, it’s a criminal enterprise.


FearlessFly 9 July 13

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Even before he was elected the bald faced lies started. They have only increased and the country has gone over a cliff. He deserves far more tha just not getting elected. He and is felon enablers deserve a loooooong jail sentence.


I wistfully remember the days before Obama was elected, before insanity became the norm in US politics. With the Obama election the Republicans went crazy. Then Trump was elected and the Democrats went even more insane.
I would like to see some rational opposition to the Trump presidency, instead of the TDS which is rampant on this site.
The U.S. desperately needs a credible centrist political party.

So, according to that logic, the REPUBLICANS of the Lincoln Project are not "rational". LOL

@FearlessFly An incorrect inference. Of course you know that Lincoln was the first Republican president.
Are you opposed to centrism in US politics?

@PBuck0145 . . . given YOUR comment -- "I would like to see some rational opposition to the Trump presidency" -- seems to me like a perfectly rational 'inference' 😛

@PBuck0145 Using "TDS" doesn't sound "centrist" to me! 😮

@FearlessFly Perhaps you are correct. Do you deny the existence of TDS? ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) certainly existed.

@SeaGreenEyez Some of us consider ourselves liberal light.

@JackPedigo If I had to pick a label for myself, it would be "Classical Liberal"

In light of today's political climate, Tucker now considers himself to be conservative, but his video is still applicable.

SeaGrrenEyez is right. Fuck centrism, we need more socialism. It's the lack of that which gave us Trump after Obama. Working class people realized that Obama sold them out to his rich and corporate friends, so they decided to take a chance on Trump when he lied, just like Obama, about making things better economically for them. Both of them support the same trade policies, endless war in the Middle East, etc. The only differences between the Dems and Repubs in DC is that the Dems don't reject science, aren't as racist, and have some mild support for reversing climate change. Otherwise, they are two sides of the same coin if you ignore the BS differences they promote thru the culture wars-abortion, guns, religion, etc.-all as a distraction from being the same party on the most important issues, war, taxes and economics as well as civil liberties.

@PBuck0145 Sorry, sounds a bit to libertarian to me.

@PBuck0145 Psychiatric disorders are exclusively defined and categorized by the American Psychiatric Association in their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. TDS is not included there so it is not a legitimate diagnosis. Nor is ODS.

@TomMcGiverin IMHO it would be wonderful of socialist governments worked. So far there has not been one instance where that happened. Pure socialism inevitably leads to totalitarianism and annihilation of opposition.
What does work for the full spectrum of society is Socially Responsible Capitalism, as is practiced in the Nordic nations, at least before they were hijacked by Islam.

@LovinLarge []

@PBuck0145 Irrelevant.

@PBuck0145 You'll never have socially responsible capitalism as long as government is run and owned by corporations and the rich, as we have in the US, rather than a government that is responsive to the working class. As long as unlimited money is allowed in US politics instead of having full public financing of campaigns, we won't ever have socially responsible capitalism. And if, by some miracle, we did elect a government in DC that was not bought off by corporations and the rich, I am very sure that the PTB would stage a military coup, ala Chile 1973, to declare martial law and install a friendly dictatorship.

I have studied economics, way more than most Americans, and I resent your snide insult to socialists as being ignorant or foolish. Not all of us are selfish and greedy, hence we are socialists AND understand economics. We just have different values than you, something I doubt you want to discuss...Time to block you, asshole..


I hope you see your Socially Responsible Capitalism as including employee ownership.

I tell people I want every American to be a capitalist — not the sociopathic Wall Street kind but the employee owner kind. For info, search on employee ownership.

@yvilletom Absolutely correct! That is the epitome of "ownership of the means of production".

@SeaGreenEyez Here's hoping you are correct.
To me, Uncle Joe seems to be cognitively impaired, and if he is elected the radical/regressive leftists will likely be calling the shots.
The Dems really need a mentally competent candidate.

@SeaGreenEyez I agree with you're comments but we are kind of stuck. A total maniac, POS who si determined to destroy everything we have including a half-way decent world for future generations or someone who will take us back to life as 'normal.' Besides, this what most people in this country want, cheap products and jobs and let the future take care of itself. This pandemic needs to send a strong message of major change but it seems most of the world is deaf.

@SeaGreenEyez Thank you for the serious consideration of my comment. Most users of this site would dismiss it summarily.

I referred to regressives, and made no mention of "progressives". Promotion of Marxism/Socialism/Communism and/or promotion of Islam is NOT (IMHO) "progressive". Most (not all) of those who self-identify as "progressive" are actually quite regressive.

Socially responsible capitalism, as has been practiced in the Nordic nations, is (IMHO) the best hope for the advancement of the full spectrum of society. Implementing vigorous social programs within a capitalist economy is a much better goal than is the current objective of the "progressives", which is to eradicate the current systems and establish a socialist "utopia".

@SeaGreenEyez WOW! People with opinions like yours actually exist. It is hard to believe.


They need to throw the RICO Act on the entire bunch.

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