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The first rule of fight club is no damned fight club.
Who's with me?

Willow_Wisp 8 Sep 5

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The first rule of life is. If you have time to watch trashy Holywood productions, you haven't got a life.


I never want to fight. I'd much rather debate, but too many people won't adhere to the rules of it. Years ago, a friend and I debated things all the time. Only one time ever did we fail to find a winner, but the premises were filled with several crazy theoretical givens. To this day, I think that if everyone on Earth could interact like we did, we'd have almost no problems.


I'm not sure, but I don't want to fight about it. (I found the movie so boring I couldn't get more than 40 minutes into it anyway... 🙂)

You missed nothing, it's stupid.

@Willow_Wisp Yeah... maybe my testosterone doesn't need to express itself by fantasizing about young office drones beating each other up, or whatever the plot was. (I also find the Fast & Furious series preposterous & peurile.)


Does this mean I can't have a thumb war?


I'm not a fighter. :/

In a general sense, I suspect that you only have that choice because other people are, and they fight for you.

@Cyklone Other people were fighters that gave me that freedom. I agree with you on that. The ones fighting in modern times fight for an icon. $ They may think it's patriotism they are willing to sacrifice their lives for, but in reality it's for hidden profits. I can't help but wonder if the bible had a shoddy editor: 'Beware of false profits...'. As for me not being a fighter, try offending my basic rights and offend the ones I love, you will see my Scottish blood turn your face into a greasy spot on the road.

@Holysocks Good for you, but you've contradicted your original statement, which is all I really wanted to point out. I dislike fighting intensely, but like you, don't hurt me or mine. Every creature on this planet fights for their existence in some way.


Sounds like a plan to me.


No fight club will let me in. Apparently having big knives and firearms is against the rules.

😃😃 not mine.


You know that is a very wonderful idea, but then reality comes along and smacks you right upside the head. 😣 KK has a point. 🙂


Sometimes, what we really want, what we think would be best, is not an option.
That's why it pays to be prepared for most possibilities.

I may not like the possibilities, but I believe in being prepared for as many of them
as possible.
Never expect whatever opponent you may face to play by the rules.
You have to be ready to do whatever you need to in order to survive.

Fight club already exists, in a sense. It's not going away just because we
think it should.

That's a thoughtful use of metaphor 🙂

@Cyklone Thank you.

Perhaps refusing to engage is breaking the rules.
Retribution disgust me, the more I entertain the concept the more I conform to what they expect.
We can't allow perpetual conflict to continue.
I prefer to approach the problem like a snake approaches theirs, low profile, will strike if necessary.
Everyone else seems to go at it wolf packish. If something isn't familiar bark at it until we all work up the nerve to move in as a pack and kill.
There's a lot of dominance crap that humans do that's very ape natured, it's all disgusting.

@Willow_Wisp I do not disagree with your assessment, AT ALL.
I don't believe in looking for a fight, but I believe in always being prepared for one.
I don't trust other people as a rule. Learned that lesson the hard way.

The snake may stay low, but it's usually always ready to strike when it needs to.
I just believe in trying to be the same way.
Forewarned is forearmed.


I'm non-violent....


I'm too old for that but don't push me.

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