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How nice! Or not. Moving in my new office at the hospital. New furniture is there, needing me to connect gadgets and tidy up the space.
But along with furniture is this "thoughtful" little desk drawer tray someone stocked with McDonald's coffee creamer, ...because what could be more American that that, right? (Too bad I don't drink coffee) ...AND the reason for my current post, this lovely little hand stitched cross in a pocket, complete with a pre-canned poem to witness to me. Gideon eat your heart out!
Realize my hospital is in no way affiliated with any religious organization, at least not officially or publicly.

I wonder if ffr or some other secular group practiced equivalent material proselytizing, how long until complaints would convince the administration to try to ban such behavior.

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Sep 7

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I think it's cute, but I wouldn't let this be in my new cabinet. There's nothing personal, I just can't stand using someone else's things; it's something like my own little quirks and whims. I suppose the last cabinet owner left those things while moving, so you can get rid of them without any problems. I have a friend who works at company, and he told me that such situations are very common. People can forget something, and as a rule, they never come back for this. When I moved to another state, I left so many things in my last home you guys can't even imagine. Good for me that my neighbor took all this stuff and gave it to the charity.


I don't understand why so much attention to the last owner's stuff, just put the in trash and that's all the problem


It's entirely possible that the creamer and the cross were simply left behind by the last person in the office. I don't drink coffee either, so I would simply put them both the creamer and the cross in the trash.


Here's my summer office.

Complete with wandering feline. Nice!

@MikeInBatonRouge That's my supervisor


I love coffee but not McDonald's coffee. I'd toss the cross too.

I will toss the cross, but I am thinking it might make a silly cat toy for a bit. After all, it is covered in thin yarn. Then I will toss it when she has grown bored with it. I wonder how many people I'll offend.


I would have to toss the cross. I'm weird that way.


With my rather acerbic and sarcastic sense of humour I'd be immediately be seeking out something just a little risque and slightly explicit looking in the way of a smallish statue to place on the desk as an ornament.
When I was working on the N.S.W. State Railways back in the mid-1980's we were cursed, so to speak, with having a very devout Catholic Trainee Loco Driver join our ranks.
In his words, it was "HIS God given task to bring God and Jesus to we, the Heathens, working there," so every day shift, afternoon shift, night shift he would place post it notes with bible passages on our Crib tins, Locker doors and all over the walls as well as demanding that we pray BEFORE the start of each shift, during Smoko or meal breaks and at the end of each shift.
He also made incessant complaints that " there was nowhere for him to hang up his coat/jacket."
So, after a snap conference, we decided to accede to his demands for his OWN individual Coat hook.
We set about carving from wood the said coat hook in the shape of an African Idol complete with a very large erect penis, etc, and set on to the wall behind HIS self-proclaimed seat in the Meal room, where every day one or more of us would leave cryptic style messages on post it notes stuck to the coat hook.
3 weeks later he literally begged the District Manager for a transfer.

How was I the first to like this? This shit is hilarious.

LMAO! Similar thing at one of my jobs in the printing industry. The typesetter was a recovering Catholic. His mom had sent him a picture of the pope and he brought it into work, one of the jobs we were working on was a resume for someone looking for modeling jobs. One of the promo headliners that did not get used was "Don't Just Dream of Being a Model". It ended up on the wall under the picture of the pope. We loved it, the boss not so much.


As @cast1es said, it is with good intentions. Not what you care for and I agree, it would be seeing totally different if it was some sort of secular approach.
My super christian florida neighbor gave my son a wooden cross as a gift to the new life in Texas - to remember them and to protect us I guess. I had to advise him to thank them and leave it alone. In my case, my neighbor will never understand my views. She actually gave me seeds. So, I am good with that. 😂


More fodder for the trash bin....


The whole concept of giving a cross in a pocket to someone defeats the purpose of the poem. What idiots.


While it's not something you wanted , you could view it as someone intending to offer you a warm welcome .

Of course. I am not hurt by it, only bemused. And on one level I assume the person told themself something like that. But on another level they believe God will favor them for converting people and that non-Christians are controlled by their Satan character. Not exactly a respectful view of us.


Hope you enjoy your new office!

I have several doctors that I see who have bibles in their waiting rooms.
It annoys me, but since no one is proselytizing, I don't make an issue of it.
The first time anyone tries to pray with me, I'll definitely be speaking up about it.


I'm afraid not long not long at all. 😤

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