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Since signing-up for this website (almost a year ago) and 'joining' the Music Fans group I have posted literally hundreds of songs in that group (and Classic Rock also). Apparently today @Marionville has seen-fit to 'boot-me-out'.

. . . I'm aware of the time-difference, and was going to wait until tomorrow, but she just posted a song in Classic Rock . . .

. . . And @Admin -- WHY, after I (and her, and likely others) is this (missing alerts) STILL an ongoing issue ? []

Here is the "discussion", I don't think she is justified -- your thoughts ? I just entered "Lost Ones" in the 'search'. Only this and one other (4 comments) are 'found'.

Sep 9, 2020 Reply
I deleted the two earlier posts when I posted this one,

I have mentioned 'missing alerts' TWICE to @admin -- no response.

Sep 9, 2020 Reply
I have many more times too.

@Marionville Wouldn't a post in Community Senate (especially from a multi-group Moderator) "get a response" (as TACTFUL as I can muster).

@FearlessFly Perhaps.

@Marionville WHY the RELUCTANCE ? ? ?
. . . Bad enough that you "suffer in silence", WHY subject OTHERS having the SAME PROBLEM(s) ?????????????????????

@FearlessFly I have already sent a PM to Admin...I will see what response I get. I do not need you to harass me on this or send capitalised messages. I do have a life outside of this site and thankfully I don’t have irritants such as you in it.

@Marionville You might have mentioned the PM earlier.

"I have many more times too"
"Perhaps" -- I took that to mean you (politely) had-done nothing ! -- You can be irritating also ! Marionville:
@FearlessFly You have the option to leave the group at any time.

@Marionville . . . As could you

FearlessFly 9 Sep 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh my Mr. Fly....I see you’re trying to stir up some support and portray me as intolerant and arbitrary, when in fact towards you I have always been forbearing and patient, even in the face of deliberately confrontational and challenging remarks. This exchange between us, which you have kindly laid out above, is only the most recent one of many in which you have chosen to try to push and goad me. You do not seem to realise that even polite and patient people can have their limits.

The irony here is...after sleeping on my decision to block you from the group, I had intended to reinstate you this morning along with a private message to you telling you it was just a warning this time. However since you have decided to go public with it, and now because when I log on at 7am and the first thing I’m confronted with is this post to deal with, I think I will just leave you where you are, suspended indefinitely.

You mentioned that you decided to post this message last night when you saw I’d posted in Classic Rock which is one of my other music groups, and one from which I have not blocked you. No...I didn’t block you in both groups because that would have been disproportionate and vindictive. You do not seem to be aware that as I am the host in both of these music groups by definition that means you are my guest, and guests are normally expected to behave civilly and respectfully towards their hosts, something you have singularly failed to understand. However, push me further and that group too will be blocked to you, so I suggest you now just live with my decision, take the advice of others and stop any further ill will between us.

Incidentally may just be interested to know that you have the distinction of being the first and only person that I have ever found it necessary to block from any of the groups in which I am host or moderator, and which currently number Nine groups. I think that fact speaks for how I do not ban or block arbitrarily or on a whim.


Simply separate yourself from people you consider difficult. There are so many groups, so many forums etc.

. . . kinda the opposite

. . . my issue with her was that I thought her 'polite' was preventing an issue affecting (who knows how many) others.

@FearlessFly I think it's no use arguing possible bad scenarios. Who knows what? The only thing we know is our own relationship with people. If it's not positive, get out and deal with others. You contribute a lot to this forum so I'm grateful to you and hope you continue to do so.


At one point or the other I've been banned from at least 17 groups (and probably more), most of which prior to me getting banned from I had never even visited, but that doesn't bother me none. You can still post on music etc by doing a general public post, like I've been doing recently. If getting banned from groups on here bothers you that much, I'd suggest checking out SLUG, similar groups on there and group hosts aren't as quick to drop the ban hammer as on this site. Regardless of what you decide upon, bottom line is try not to let the banning from groups get to you, life is far too short to dwell on such things. Cheers Mr Fly.

"Mr Fly" --- I tend to get 'suspicious' when other adults put 'Mr' or 'Sir' in my "moniker' 🙂

@FearlessFly You had mentioned that before if I'm not mistaken, and I do somewhat enjoy being unconventional at times. You never quite know what I'll say (well, typed actually) next...


Peyton Place...
Have you nothing else to do with your time?


Form your own group. Life is too short.


You posted this to the Community Senate, so the assumption would be that you are open to all thoughts of the community. Here are mine: Marionville has historically been a polite, engaging community member who invests greatly in the success of this site and her groups.The groups she Mods that I am in, I have always found her to be more than willing to engage concerns or issues, as she appeared to be with you from the display above. What I think worthy of noting is that these people volunteer their time to this site and its groups, and a little appreciate of that projected by having a little respect for their time and needs outside of yours is certainly warranted, whether things are the way you think they should be or not. People have lives outside of this site and cannot always give you the level of high maintenance you seem to assume is owed to you. You are entitled to nothing from the people who are volunteering their time here, they are not obliged to bother Admin at your whim. You are a guest on this site and in the groups contained within, just like the rest of us, and a healthy dose of respect and consideration will get you far better results than incessant harassment, snide comments, and airing your dirty laundry to the Senate in some attempt to smear someone else and garner support for your stance. To me it simply sounds like you wore her down and she decided the investment in trying to please you was no longer worth the cost and bother. Nothing more and nothing less, and certainly within her rights as a group moderator. My advice to you: Breathe...and let it go. Start your own music group and you can post as much as you want and bother Admin with your needs to your hearts desire in your own name.

Very well said... 🙂

I appreciate your thoughts.

. . . they weren't just "my needs", who knows how many others are missing alerts.

@FearlessFly your post here isn't about missing alerts.. It's about Marje banning you from her group...

"...I have posted literally hundreds of songs in that group (and Classic Rock also). Apparently today @Marionville has seen-fit to 'boot-me-out'.'

@Cutiebeauty The missing alerts are the basis for her/I 'discussion'. And since both had mentioned "multiple times" (admin not responding), I perceived 'polite' wasn't working.

If Moderators given so much latitude, shouldn't they be given responses from admin, especially when an issue has been identified as affecting multiple folks ?

@FearlessFly admin doesn't generally answer his PM's... If you have an issue, you'd get a quicker response from cs10. He's customer service... So pm him about missing alerts...

@FearlessFly Alerts are one tool among many here. It seemed members of the group were made aware there was an issue, and until things were corrected, anyone can simply check the group directly to see what may have been missed if their needs dictate not missing a thing. I would think that effort would be a more respectful and reasonable exchange than allowing the issue to ruin relationships. But, again, that's just me. I tend to hold people in a higher regard than my tools.

@Cutiebeauty I have received Admin PM responses recently . . . just not about alerts.

Thank you for summing up the situation so accurately....and for the support.


I think you might want to switch to decaf.
In my experience, @Marionville has always been very adult in managing her groups.

She has repeatedly contended about her (and especially British) being 'polite'.
In a different group I asked if she thought the British became an Empire by being 'polite' -- NO response. 😛

"I have many more times too"

I was (and still am) indignant that (as far as I was let-on) that not-enough was being done (both her and I mentioned 'multiple times' ) by @Admin about an issue affecting others (all ? ).
Would that (perceived reticence on her part) qualify as 'adult' to you ?

Thank you, I try to act proportionately, and hopefully like an adult!

@FearlessFly Maybe the British did not gain an empire by being polite but we do maintain the Commonwealth by being so. FYI this is the largest ex-wives club in the world. No other former imperial power has such good relations with their ex-colonies. (Take a look the French, Spanish, Turkish, and Russian exes).
So with as, many are saying the American empire is in decline, Perhaps good manours it might be a new useful skill that some of you yanks could acquire.


Mods can ban any member, for any reason, at any time...

I'm aware of that, but I think there is way arbitrary and unreasonable in this case, would you agree ?

That seems kind of authoritarian.

@FearlessFly once she mentioned that she send a pm to admin, then the discussion is over. You chose to push...

@Sgt_Spanky thats just the way it is... I don't make the rules here..

@Cutiebeauty Sent mentioned PM only AFTER replying "I have many more times too" that I had mentioned to admin -- not that she had PM'ed many times.

@Cutiebeauty . . . rules ? There are no rules, only Guidelines -- that even @Admin has not seen-fit to assign consequences for (unless perhaps egregious -- I have explicitly said so to him in PM) 😛

@FearlessFly yes, I understand that..

The conversation was over after:
@FearlessFly I have already sent a PM to Admin...I will see what response I get. I do not need you to harass me on this or send capitalised messages. I do have a life outside of this site and thankfully I don’t have irritants such as you in it.

You obviously didn't understand or care that you were irritating her.. Or pushing her..

@FearlessFly yes, there are rules here.. I mentioned one in my first comment in this thread... and every member hosted group sets their own rules under the umbrella of the guidelines...

@Cutiebeauty Is there NO accountability for a lone Mod ? Why not ?

@FearlessFly no there isn't.. She's the host... Her decision..

@Sgt_Spanky ‘that seems rather authoritarian’, made me laugh, given your moniker 😊

Thanks for the support. I would just like to point out that this is the first and only time I have ever blocked anyone from any of my groups. I am an extremely tolerant host...maybe I have been too tolerant towards this person and he has mistaken it it for weakness.

@Marionville certain people are fairly notorious for enjoying pushing buttons, as you well know. His calling you out in the manner he did speaks volumes about his character

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