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Recently found out that Enya (one of my all time FAVORITE musicians), is also my spirit animal. She lives alone, in a castle, w/just her cats. Never been married or had kids, by choice. Now all I need is a giant castle & we’ll be twins! Lol 🥰😅

I don’t live alone now, but plan too soon in the future. It’s good to know there’s other people out there who are similar to me personality wise, celebrity or not. But it’s even COOLER when it’s Enya 😀

VeronicaAnn 7 Sep 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I live alone since 1993. Just the three of us. Me, Myself and I.

@VeronicaAnn nope

@VeronicaAnn lazy

@VeronicaAnn Allergic to cats, they're easy. I've got a small place and up until recently was never home enough to devote to a dog. Now I'm just too lazy and not lonely enough.


I never heard of her. I have heard some of her music though. Beautiful lady along with her obvious phenomenal talent! Thank you for sharing.


I love the idea of a castle or mansion with no one around to bother me.

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