Have you ever changed your name - I don't mean for a pseudonym like here but changed it for real?
Yes. I claimed my name and freedom in 1988. I went to court and legally changed it. I chose not to be so and so's daughter, sister, wife, etc. I chose ownership of myself for myself.
I had to change my name after I found my birth certificate. I was fine with the name that I had used for the first 18 years of my life, and thought I could continue using it. That all changed after I joined the military. They go by official documents only.
I swapped my middle name and first name around because I felt I wanted to be someone different - I was called Jack, a lot, and hated it .The other name was Laura and I have a pretty strange surname so was glad to change again when I got married . Then I changed back again and people call me Jac or Jackie or jacqueline which sounds o.k to me I was divorced and remarried but decided to stay with my given names
I did when I got married. That was in 1996 and I was only 22 so other than my drivers license and SS card I didn’t have much paperwork to do. Recently divorced and REALLY wanted to change back to my maiden name but decided it was too much work. Credit cards, work email, bills, license, SS card, daughter’s student loan stuff, checking account, etc.
I've thought about changing my name to Dick Butkus, but never had the courage to follow through. Hugh Janis was a close second tied with Seymour Butz.
Dont' forget Mike Hunt and Hugh G. Rection
Mike Hunt is my real name.
No, I’ve never had want or reason to do so.
I flipped my middle name with my last name. My last name was too generic.
Yes after a terrible row with my parents in my late teens I left home and changed my name to James A. Christie, however when I got married for the second time my wife refused to marry me unless I reverted to the name I had when we first knew each other as children, because as rightly pointed out it was an act of utter pretention and she could never see me as anyone but Len, so I reverted.
I do have a psuedonym under which I write non fiction, but I would never use it in real life.
No but I've thought about changing last name to Monroe.
FROM a cool name like Presley to Monroe?
@LenHazell53 Presley is a name I like. ?
After my last (2nd) divorce...our last name was 'Youn'g & I used to say, "I'll be Young forever". Clearly something needed to be done, lol. So I took the name of my favorite fictional detective. Easy-peasy in Connecticut, $150 plus an affidavit to the Town Clerk saying you have no intent to defraud, and you can take any name you wish perfectly 100% legal Ieverywhere.