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A truly sad reality. How can we change this? Can we change it?

WilliamCharles 8 Sep 30

Enjoy being online again!

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For anyone with any rationality, Biden is distinctly better.

Biden is better by being less bad. Trump sets a very low bar and Biden clears that low bar. That is all.

@RoboGraham - I consider his part in a rigged primary as entirely disqualifying. He didn't "win," he was installed.

@WilliamCharles Are you a troll??? Your blather about a "rigged primary" is pure horse manure and youy know it!

@wordywalt - journalists I respect know your assertion is false.

@WilliamCharles Oh, really??? Name one prominent, nationally known journalist known for fact-based reporting who agrees with you.

@wordywalt - Chris Hedges.

@WilliamCharles What news agency does he work with? I have never heard of the guy.


Wallace's puppetmasters know that a Jerry Springer clone is ratings gold.

The orchestrated chaos is a feature, not a bug.

Pure Kabuki theater.

[voice-over] "Be sure to stick around and see what happens next!"

It was no different than a reality show where the objective is max conflict. Jerry Springer without the physical violence or sexual content.

@TomMcGiverin - I guess groping and assault never came up?

Unless the future moderators of the final two debates are allowed to cut off or mute the mics of the candidates when it's not their turn to speak, then they may as well have Springer moderate the rest of the debates. At the end, I was expecting Springer to show up and give a Final Thought...

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