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Bot Generated Fake Nudes Of Over 0,000 Women Without Their Knowledge, Says Report


FearlessFly 9 Oct 23

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I think it said 100,000 but I am not surprised. Bots are working on image and voice right now to astounding accuracy.


In the near future bots will fool all the people all the time.


Hot damn!!
Hope they made me look good!!


And what is the point of it?
Why would someone even use resources on that?

. . . why climb Everest ? 😮

@FearlessFly Everest would be cool than making fake nudes. Though I pick smaller mountains and real porn myself. 🙂
Everest is way too much investment for me.



I clicked-on the link right-after I posted it -- and it worked.
(edited to work now)
How does it happen that it didn't work for you ?

@FearlessFly I think that when you copy and paste the link it adds some stuff at the end. The "#fe..." etc. So when I used it I got a 404 error.
You link now has "#55e..." etc added to it and worked for me.
I am not sure what they are doing, but it likely has something to do with tracking where the links to their articles are posted.
No biggie. 🙂

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