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National Guard called in to thwart cyberattack in Louisiana weeks before election


FearlessFly 9 Oct 23

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The reactionary right and their Russian allies are forces for chaos and tyranny.


"Experts investigating the Louisiana incidents found a tool used by the hackers that was previously linked to a group associated with the North Korean government,"....would that have been your first guess? Or your second? Does anyone have any other ideas?

"A prior cybersecurity research report in 2013 by Luxembourg firm iTrust Consulting noted that KimJongRat was written with Korean computer code which carried references to the North Korean leader’s family members."

"But cybersecurity analysts who have examined this RAT - known as “KimJongRat” - say some of its code had been publicized in a computer virus repository, where hackers could copy it; making attribution to North Korea less certain."

@FearlessFly And what condemnation have we heard from the pustule?

Shall we have dinner while we're waiting?


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