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10/26/2020 The "greatest nation on Earth" surrenders without hardly a fight. The mind reels. TRUMP SURRENDERS TO THE CHINA VIRUS: []

Druvius 8 Oct 26

Enjoy being online again!

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It's the Trump virus, and it's almost as bad a Trump himself.
Like in the horror movies when the insufferable asshole bully becomes the face of the greater horror that hasn't fully revealed itself.
Like Henry Bowers, the psychopathic school and neighborhood bully and the secondary antagonist of Stephen King's 1986 horror novel IT.
How many people did Trump infect himself?
We'll never know.


Welcome to the second wave. The indoor months will make it even worse.


For 4 years we said and have been saying this day in and day out

  1. Trump is a liar
  2. Trump is a criminal
  3. Trump is unfit
  4. Trump is nepotist
  5. Trump is corrupt
  6. Trump is narcissist
  7. Trump is racist
  8. Trump is a white supremacist
  9. Trump is a sex addict and philanderer
  10. Trump is broke
  11. Trump is a draft dodger
  12. Trump is bad for the country
  13. Trump is disrespectful to women
  14. Trump is a traitor and colludes with Russia

All granted. All accepted. No more arguments needed.

Now let us talk about these

  1. So when Trump is sooo bad, why is Biden struggling?
  2. Why are democrats suck so bad at winning?
  3. When are democrats going to start winning?
  4. If we are so good, pious, virtuous, righteous... why can we not win voters' minds?
  5. How did we get to losing the Senate, allowing Republicans to pack the Supreme Court?
  6. How did we allow Republicans claim the big issues of family values, defense, patriotism, good at wars, faith over the years?
  7. How and why did we allow Republicans to label us as socialists and communists? How did that happen?
  8. Why do we allow rogue and lousy candidates like Bernie Sanders to run on Democratic Party platform?
  9. Why aren't we asking questions about what our leaders are not doing? Why aren't we led?
  10. Why do we have to choose a 77 year old, frail, stuttering man as an alternative to bad Trump? Why do we have a dearth of good leaders?
  11. Last but not the least, when will be stop ranting and blaming the enemy which is just lame and sissy? When are we going to look at where we suck and start preparing?
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