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Where do agnostics go when they die?

Count 5 Apr 10

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i have seen them there!


How could i possibly say Walmart without seeing your answer...scary...


Same as everyone else. We don't 'go' anywhere. The components just stop working. When your car breaks down, nothing has gone away. Something has just gone wrong in the system to the extent that the whole system stops working. We can fix it and get it working again. Humans are much more complex than a car but when we understand it to that level we should be able to fix it indefinitely.


They don't know.


Atheists go to hell, but agnostics go to heck.


To a land of pirates, stripper facatories and beer volcanos. Long live the FSM!


JustChris has it almost right. Agnostics don’t know where they go when they die. They just don’t know anything except that they don’t know. However, I know the right answer: like everyone else, they don’t go anywhere when they die. Life is like the flame of a candle. It’s either there or nowhere.


In the ground? Up in smoke? On a burning viking ship in the ocean? I donated my body to my medical school. I hope the new students have fun with my tatoos and my suspicious looking liver! That's all I can say about this subject. Do you have different ideas?


What if...

This afterlife sucks.


The same place as everyone else. Did you think we went someplace different?


I don’t know about you, but I plan on being turned to ash and planted with a tree...


From they had come from.... To the unknown!! Like everybody else..!!


We ascend to heaven to dwell forever in the house of the lord. wait, I confused that with a plaigerized myth designed to control the masses and bring power and wealth to the elite. We don’t go, we stop... when your car dies it’s still there. We are caporal beings... primates, do you think there is a monkey heaven? Because we are smarter but still basically a monkey, we are smarter but not always wiser.

Ask Ray Moody or Ken Ring about Monkey Heaven.


I'll let you know when I die..... There are few that will crap their pants so I may just do that, come back and bring Houdini with me

Please bring Houdini back. It would change everything.

@Seminarian I know !!! ... You bet I'll try to talk him out of being dead ???


I don’t know about agnostics but in my view when they die it’s life opening a door to the universe. Your body goes to the earth and nourishes it for new life, your thoughts get added to humanities universal knowledge and, your energy goes to the stars so they can shine more!

Domal Level 4 May 16, 2018

That's lovely


All dressed up and no where to go....the story of my life.


The ground, just like everything else




They go into the ground, decompose, and provide life for other plants and animals.

Livia Level 6 June 13, 2018

Same place as everyone else?


Same place as the rest


I can tell you that one, because I've been there. About 100 miles north of London on the M1 there is a service station (Northbound) that serves the most delicious danish pastries. You can hover around and have a good old agno chat with the rest of us 'undead don't know, don't care too much so long as it provides stimulating and intelligent debate' non-corporate beings.


If I get my way, hauled up a mountain, chopped into little pieces, and into the stomachs of vultures. Tibetan Sky Funeral all the way.


To worm heavan. At least for the worms anyway. Lol

t1nick Level 8 July 21, 2018

I am going to become a part of our sun when it becomes a red giant 🙂


Same place everyone else does, decomposing back into atoms.

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