13 8

For the sake of unity, and in the spirit of fairness, the Republicans need to embrace the Harris/Biden administration, at least with the enthusiasm the Democrats displayed toward the newly elected DJT.

PBuck0145 7 Nov 13

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A tongue-in-cheek (I hope) viewpoint from Rex Murphy



No they don't, they just have to move out of the way and let some competence in governance occur. I'm sick of hearing about the concept of "unity" with people who want a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, lying, sexual predator as the leader of the country and find it to be incredibly offensive.


Yeah, good luck with that thought. 🙄


Where oh where does DJT get to claim "respect" when he gives NONE!!!???!!!

Every dog has his day.

The big Chumps no exception. He’s in bad health, never exercises, bad diet, not to mention all the investigations of him here in NY.

We don’t know when, where or how this will play out.........but I would say something is bound to happen in the next few years or so.........and probably not to his benefit.


I think that the democrats would just be happy if all the republicans left their weapons at home.


It probably will not happen. I saw a GMC Yukon in a parking lot today with writing all over it. I'm surprised that anyone driving could see out the windows. The writing said '"JESUS IS MY SAVIOR -- TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT." Whoever owns this vehicle is ignoring the clear electoral votes for Biden and wants to believe in the nonsense of Trump winning with 214 electorals. They do not understand at all and might be willing to go to war over this issue. As far as being religious goes they are about as Christian as the Tooth Fairy.

The tooth fairy happens to be smarter than these idiots.


I am not a dem or rep, a registered independent, but to compare the bullshit that the republitards did with Obama denying him everything for no reason other than he was black, attacking him for even the way he dressed was despicable, there is nothing that compares, so if you are trying to be funny, it isn't. I hate the fucking turd, he is a whiny little bitch, a dictator wannabe, an ignorant motherfucker who lacks empathy, a science denier, an incompetent asshole who lies all the time, didn't do shit to protect citizens against a viral enemy, what the fuck are you asskissers talking about that people treated DJT as bad the reps treated Obama? That is complete and absolute bullshit! Trump got the treatment he deserved for being a racist bigot, a traitor that sided with Putin all the time, a con man who enriched himself the way no other president before ever did, where are his taxes? a heartless maggot who ordered taking kids from their mothers? All you fucking idiots who claim equal treatment are just cow towing to ignorance. fuck the donald! fuck him in the ass when he goes to prison! and he will if there is justice in this world.

Thank you, I share your passion and disdain.

@ReadyforaChange just fact checking people's bullshit.

It’s a good thing he left New York. He claims it was because of taxes........but it’s because he’s vulnerable to assassination. Where Trump Tower is at 5th Ave. and W.57 St. is the heart of NYC where tens of thousands of people are around any given day or night, not to mention all the high rise skyscrapers nearby. Even if he had the whole army or secret service guarding him it would be real easy to pick him off and be out of town in a few minutes if they escaped via the Hudson or the East Rivers. But ideally, I’d rather see him die slowly and painfully of some cancer or other body ailment.

You know, all said and done, that kind of has a ring to it. 😁


While I am glad to see Trump lost, inferring the Democrats tried (even a little) to get along with Trump is wrong. I remember comments such as "the resistance starts today" even before Trump was sworn in. Many Congressional members of the Democrat party refused to attend Trump's Inauguration.

Those actions and many similar actions contradict your post.

i kinda thought the same cause that is how I felt ....the diff is trump was clearly a bad person even before he was elected I read a lot because there is and was a lot out there ...his hurting businesses because he did not pay his bills his dealings with bad men his Russian ties it was all there ..... and it was another time in my life that the winner lost ...BTW hated hillery too

and the porn stars and the women he grabbed and the children he abused ....that was never talked about

Had he been a REAL POTUS and not elected by Russia, I'm sure they would have swallowed their bitterness and attended. The POS deserves no respect, glad to see him rejected repeatedly, should have been like this all along. He is an illegitimate POTUS if there ever was one.

@whiskywoman Likewise. I voted for Gary Johnson that year.

@whiskywoman Yes it was, I remember many articles involving this.

@whiskywoman, @ReadyforaChange No one (certainly not myself) said Trump deserved any respect. He did not, however my post merely pointed out that the original post was not correct.


You know what? That's a whole lotta bullshit right there.

For the entire 8 years Obama was President, I listened to republicans, and tea party assholes, berate him, malign both him and his family, threaten his life, hang and burn him in effigy, refuse to accept that he was born in the US, and gop "leadership" brag that they were going to make him a one-term president.

I'm not a democrat, but I remember ALL that crap really well.
So, before anyone who supported 45 even tries that reverse gaslighting garbage, I'm here to call BULLSHIT.

Suck it up, buttercups.
45 deserved EVERY ounce of disrespect and derision that's been directed at him.

I have no dog in this race, but I still can't disagree.

What you say is true, but democrats were no better with Trump. BOTH major parties stink.

@Alienbeing I'm not suggesting that they are.

@KKGator OK

they sure did called his kids monkeys to their face.....they thought michelles wardrobe was indecent because one shoulder was bare .....ive seen melianias tits and pussy......and trump is a pedophile yet they praise him as a god .......the obamas clearly are devoted and in love .....

AGREED...and thank you.

And guess what!! They all claim to be Christians!!

Also well said. 😉


Well, most countries have two main parties that alternate power between themselves because people keep putting them there. When one is replaced by the other, they will always criticize the others and, when get to power again, the role is reversed. It's very rare when the main parties agree on anything.

Well it doesn't help that the GOP is SATAN. Fuck Nazis.


You expect too much from these spineless moral idiots.


'the sake of unity'? -- 'the spirit of fairness' -- 'Republicans'?

Don't be so ridiculous.🤔

RichCC Level 8 Nov 13, 2020

It is my opinion that 'merca has digressed to the point that that will not happen for a few generations.

Agreed, I hope we're wrong. 😔

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