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If the average IQ is 100 then what do you estimate is the average IQ of contributors to this website in comparison to your IQ?

waitingforgodo 8 Nov 16

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It seems likely that the contributers of a text based site are likely to have IQs on average over 100.
I used to be in Mensa, so I can assume that my IQ is above most people on this site.
That doesn't really mean I am smarter and certainly not better; It means I do better on IQ tests.


The debate about IQ brings up individual perspectives which is always the reality. The fact that a person has been assessed with a higher IQ depends on so many factors including the person's culture, paradigm, and personality.

Growing up, my parents sent me to a psychologist who administered a battery of tests. Once when i was about 10 or 12, and again at 16 as i was graduating from High School. I interpreted that their intent was to determine my IQ and why i seemed to be an underachiever, in their mind and according to their expectations.

My IQ was numbered to be significantly higher than average but that only got my back up so i tried harder not to live up to their expectations. LOL

This article resonated with me. The conclusion was that "A crude description of what a good IQ test should measure might be as follows. People need to be able learn new information. One way to estimate learning ability is to teach a person new information and measure knowledge retention. This works well for simple information (e.g., recalling word lists and retelling simple stories) but it is hard to design a test in which retention of complex information is measured (e.g., memory of a lecture on Lebanese politics) without the test being contaminated by differences in prior knowledge."

Intelligence is the ability to absorb knowledge, but as we all know, ability doesn't necessarily translate into results.


To answer the question posed here, who cares. LOL I haven't cared during my successful 75 years and still don't.


Above average

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 17, 2020

I know my IQ. I don't know the lQ of others on this site, but l would guess the majority are above 100. I have blocked 171 people here and l would guess the majority of them have double digit lQs which is why l blocked them. The others were just assholes. Just a guess.


It takes some level of intelligence to decipher the intended meaning of oddly worded questions, so in that respect, I believe my IQ is about average for members of this site.

Some contributors are seemingly far more intelligent than me. Some are seemingly not so much. Who knows for sure? I don't really care.

We all have various experiences, thoughts, ideas and visions to share about our agnosticism, so as long as we are enjoying the discussions, it's all good.


This is a question that is posed by someone who does not understand IQ.
IQ is a percentage measurement, with 100% being the median intelligence of all humans.
This post is actually asking two questions.
Firstly, what is your IQ?
Secondly, what is the median IQ of members of
To the first question I reply, "I prefer not to answer, as it might put Trump supporters in a bad light."
To the second question I reply, "I would expect this group's average to be a higher percentage than that of a certain Twitter user."

I'm sorry to contradict you as you're mostly correct, but IQ is not a percentage measurement otherwise it would not be possible to achieve IQs higher than 100. IQ is measured on a scale and then the average IQ is set at 100 with an SD of 15. Variations in IQ are then assessed as higher or lower than this average figure to a maximum of 145 and a minimum of 55. Those limitatations are a statistical limitation on not being able to measure more than 3 SDs from the mean. The median of any large enough group, such as we on agnostic will be 100, unless you have selected for IQ, as in Uni graduates ( in any country other than US).

Just because Boris has taken to twitter it doesn’t mean you can cast aspersions about his IQ! (Kidding, I know to whom you are referring lols).

@Cyklone There is absolutely nothing wrong with stating that something is 120% of a reference, or even 200% percent. They simply signify a fraction. eg 120÷100=1.2 times the average. So 200 means twice as intelligent as the average.
145 is certainly not an upper limit. Agreed, the further from the average one strays, the rarer the incidence of of exceptional scores, until these scores become statistically insignificant around 145%, but they do still occur. Perhaps you should read this:-

@girlwithsmiles Boris is dangerous because he is intelligent.

@Petter I said that we could not measure more than 145. Not that it didn't exist and IQ is NOT a percentage because the graph is not linear, so 115 is NOT 15% more than 100, it's more like 32% more and the idea that 200 is twice the IQ of 100 is meaningless. The data does not work that way, so an IQ of 100 is not twice the IQ of 50 other than as an arbitrarily assigned figure. The graph of IQ is a normal curve and 100 is the middle but 100 is an arbitrarily assigned figure to the average IQ. It could have been any figure. It could just as easily be 42. We can move the data to any point because there is no zero to account for. You started your discussion with reference to statistics and I'm commenting on your statistics. The problem with measures like IQ is that there is no zero so the data does not conform to data to which you can apply a percentage in the way that you are trying to do it.

@Petter agreed, but I’ve never been sure that Trump isn’t either. I don’t mind a joker in the Court, but I prefer they don’t lead it 😉

@girlwithsmiles Trump does not demonstrate a high enough command of vocabulary to indicate even average IQ. He relies on vindictivemess, petulance and litigation to dominate others.

@Petter well he’s proven a good monkey for the people that wanted environmental laws to regress and that of medicare for the public stripped 🙁 I should imagine his investments have done well during his leadership, but of course his family probably passed on good advisors that he relies on, if no capacity himself.
It will be great to have a people person with ethics and high standards. I also hope Biden manages to remind the US they gain by being united.


I don't know how to answer your question, but my notion is that the people I see here are brighter than average.

Especially if they can afford the cost of ample electric lighting.


I took a prep test for Mensa in high school (1970’s). Higher than 100 but math problems bore me so that is where I go down. If I can spatially see the answer like geometry I’m ok.

At school, I used to lie on my back at night and imagine geometric shapes on the ceiling in order to solve my homework questions.

@Petter did you ever try to count the dots (puncture hole pattern) in the drop ceiling tiles?

@RobinGray I'm a mild(ish) Asperger's. Of course I count anything I see, including ceiling holes.
In the gents toilet I repeatedly count the holes in the pissoir, whilst analysing what pattern they are in. Sometimes that takes longer than the actual pee! Women without pissoirs don't know what they are missing!!


No single Atheist here uses an average vocabulary I doubt anyone is 105 or less here.... the age of Atheist here is likely a "mean" (average) over 35 when a vocabulary has grown considerably since school years when most IQs are tested (measured) ..... accordingly intelligence is measured by facts rather than beliefs ...
Below average people believe idiotic religious claims and obvious LIEs ..... what is the point in asking your question ??? Most Atheists respect each other here valuing our ideas music tastes and interests defining our comraderie without faiths.... I instantly judge believers as ignorant and untrustworthy due to their bigotry and cult loyalties.... we are scientists they are stupid


Why atheists have higher IQs.


Pew Analysis: The More Formal Education You Have, the Less Religious You Are.




On the basis of your nonsensical question, I know mine is higher than yours.

Pinguid chance.

@waitingforgodo I presume you'll be relying on your contention that "nothing can ever be proven" when you are unable to prove this.


Sounds like a Dunning-Kruger question.

Word Level 8 Nov 16, 2020

It’s higher than the IQ of people who are not concerned with evidence and ask questions whose answers require evidence.


There are lots of smart people on this website. I know my IQ is higher than 100, lower than Mensa people. It doesn't matter. I have street wisdom, I'm no mathematical genius.

A Mensa woman I met told me Mensa men know some clever ways to be cruel.

@yvilletom I supposed there's good and bad in all. I've known brilliant people who were very nice, some who were arrogant pricks. People with genius IQ have no common sense most of the time.

Me too 😊

@yvilletom My friend’s dad was a kind Mensa man whose second wife led him to leave my friend, his eldest daughter, out of his will. My friend doesn’t hold it against him as she knows he was a good man.

IQ is a predictor of only one thing and that is how you will perform academically. Nothing else. I think that if your IQ is so important to you that you have to join a special group who are distinguished only by that characteristic then you have more problems than having a high IQ is going to solve. There are a lot of extremely intelligent street sweepers.


i Have no idea,


You just made a trumpers day. He/she read your post and thought you said that the average IQ was 10. Assured he/she had an IQ of at least 20, he/she realized he/she must be a genius. Lol

At least.

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