FAITH, FACTS and FANTASY . Three necessary facilities constructed or engineered
by the minds of Humans.
FAITH necessary when you have tried but cannot obtain evidence.
FANTASY necessary when you cannot get sex and or satisfaction.
Trouble only starts when you or the other cannot tell the difference between
FAITH, FACTS and FANTASY . There are other reasons why faith is necessary outside of religion. Religion is a better name than Faith for the practices connected with supernatural beliefs.
Faith is useless, hope however is important.
The last four years have left the majority of Americans pretty hopeless.
Yes Faith in religion is hopeless but as my comment at the end of my post says, there are many different kinds of faith objectives and SOMETIMES you have no choice but not being able to provide evidence.
How do you feel about faith in science and faith in government?
@Mcflewster I suffer from faith in neither. In the 70’s some scientists considered dumping carbon black on the polar ice to absorb more solar heat to hold off the impending ice age.
Government is never to be trusted even when those in.charge aren’t obviously aggressively attempting to screw us because they can do as much damage with ignorance as they can with malice.
Faith is a flaw and nothing more.
Sounds like you're sitting in lockdown somewhere and gotten all bored and philosophical. Lay off the whoopy weed, it makes you fat
Sorry no weed or any other drug and I actually dislike philosophy. I am actually hoping you will at some stage confirm your faith in science.
@Mcflewster why would I need to have or confirm faith in something I can see or measure? That's like asking me to have faith that if I drop a rock it will fall.
@Cyklone You need faith in the non religious sense say when you have a work person come to your house to fix something. Faith that he/she will not trash your house or attack you when your are off guard. It is called 'faith in humanity"
@Mcflewster No that's reasonable expectation. You aren't talking about faith here at all, you're talking about trust. I trust a lot of people, I have zero faith in any of them.
@Mcflewster I'm with wlllow, that is more easily described as trust. Especially because sometimes I don't, and trust is based upon experience whereas faith isn't.
@Cyklone, @Willow_Wisp I agree that trust and faith are related and I would like to endorse Cyklones statement "trust is based upon experience whereas faith isn't." However I am just trying to point out that there are many things outside of religion where you have no experience on which to call about what will happen in the future, so do not throw those away . We must continue to get religionists NOT to revel in the lack of evidence and stop using the word faith . Unfortunately 'trust' has other meanings too. Perhaps you know a better way of getting to realise when faith is important and when it misleads people into religion.
@Mcflewster My personal definition of faith includes coming to conclusions despite evidence to the contrary. Like if OJ had three months after his murder actually found the murderer and it wasn’t him, but he didn’t so the jury had great faith, and that’s what faith does for everyone.
@Willow_Wisp So you do find another use for faith outside religion. My main 'Beef' has been that religions use it as a shield against further arguments. Religions too much dictate how to perceive things with their HiJacking of words
@Willow_Wisp Surely you need to have faith that non believers will eventually succeed in removing religion? Not trust because we have not had the experience of many religions being defeated. Faith in Humanity is what we all need to survive all these terrible distortions.
@Mcflewster Things are exactly what they are, faith is useless.
Why this love of a word that's just another part of this lie?
Like sin, souls, heave, and hell.
Faith is just another made up silly concept.
The world is what it is, if you want it different then work to make the change, "faith" does nothing to help.
It's not even a real word to be honest, no more so than sin, or souls.
@Mcflewster I have considered your argument myself before but I struggle to think of circumstances where the word faith can't be replaced with the word trust and although one might argue that sometimes trust would seem synonomous with faith, trust is at least based upon the evidence of experience and probability (I trust that you are not going to stab me etc) whereas faith is something which by definition is believed without evidence.