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Pence and mommy will be leaving the Country after Biden is sworn in! How about that...break the Country, then leave it in tatters! I hope people with humane conviction everywhere sees him for what he is...‘an empty suit!’

These unAmerican people run our Country into the ground for their religious ideology and then tuck their tails and run when their sick ideas are rejected!

Freedompath 9 Dec 17

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Cannot the world court apprehend him for crimes against humanity?

If someone felt strongly enough, possibly?

@Freedompath The charges would have to come from somebody in another country. How about Mexico and the children in cages.

@dalefvictor ...or all the Countries with 644 children who have lost their parents, because they were separated! Something should be done!


bu-bye, so long, farewell


Milquetoast Mike is a greasy Kkkristian coward and asslicker for his corrupt Orange Fascist..



Will he take a fly with him?


He's not moving out of the country. After he confirms Biden and Harris on January 6th, he's going on a state sponsored trip, at government expense, and will return before the inauguration January 20th. He'll probably return 13th or 14th. I think Trump might resign days before the inauguration and make Pence take care of his personal pardon. I predicted that Joe Biden might become the 47th president. We shall see.

I hope this cleared Pence’s leaving up. Lol

If Pence and his mommy are thinking of running for president in 2024, he will renege on a promise to pardon Trump.

@yvilletom He's "an empty suit" I would love him to be the GOP nominee. He's got the housefly vote.


It would be fantastic if that lying immoral obpos didn't get a pardon.

Of course, if he did get a pardon it's possible the courts might throw it out.

He'll already the the 67th, your count is way off..

@Charlene 67th??? Trump 45. If Pence becomes 46 then Biden becomes 47.

@barjoe ya gotta count the re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re counts to..😁😆

@Charlene Gotcha


Good riddance! 😀


Preferably (for them) one without an extradition agreement with the US. We should all be overjoyed to see the back of them. I hear Guyana is a good place. They could even set up a religious camp there LOL.


@Freedompath I just read it was to Israel and a few other places in the mid-east. They don't want to be around when Pence has to announce Biden president. Afraid my POS will throw a hissy fit and get his rabid followers to threaten Pence. I guess it's just another case of christian cowardice.


Just like the little Nazi's, run away and hide.


This is real news to me.... Pence has been a criminal theocrat out of the Rrrrssshaaah dingy Crazy GREEDY LIMPboss radio mold..... he brags he started out on 2 radio STATIONS calling himself RushLimpBOSS "on decaf" pandering to his Mormon listeners to his coffee radio hours

Yes! He goes way back...mostly he is a hypocrite, with out real morals!


I wonder if they are afraid of being arrested along with Trump and his band of idiots.

Good point...however, the news did not say how long they will be gone! Now it could only be travel to take advantage of taxpayer paid vacation, before the 20th of Jan? 😡

Ouch...I was thinking of the 5th when the Congress meets for Biden. So the Pences are scared of something!

he should be he is just as guilty he knew everything


Please detail this story about the Vice PRESIDENT gives old meaning to VICE

Pence is the ‘holier than thou,’ man with blood on his hands of countless Americans from Covid! His fake smile want last...

@Freedompath I agree TrumpOLINI Pence and 9 countries are keeping their bioWarS secret since 1914 illegally Fort Dietrick Antietam Maryland was closed February DUE TO BIOHAZARD.... but how do you know of Pence escape plans ?

@Larry68Feminist the news...I did not make note of the one I got it from. But, it will be everywhere, as it just came out last night!

@Larry68Feminist it is reported at the Daily Beast.

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