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What do you say to your son if they start gravitating toward evangelism.

Nevadarich 4 Apr 12

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Tell him to read/study that book , after that he can make up his mind


Everynbody learns in their own way. However, is there any chance he might be becoming schizophrenic, or have other problems? Tread carefully, but remain aware!


Both my sons were raised to be critical thinkers, to question, to research using reputable sites & citations & to be able to lay out a well founded arguement based on fact. They were both exposed to religion & going to church. They both became agnostics in their teens & only more skeptical as they have grown older (both now in their 30s).

If they started to gravitate to religion, those would be interesting conversations.


Read more books and study Roman history


I couldn't answer that as I have no children, but if I did and they started believing in imaginary people, a nice long chat would be in due course.


If you follow any religion, on a global scale more people will think that you are bat shit crazy than not. It's not a great argument though as if you were to place the word don't before follow, it's still true.


It's up to them but they knew my beliefs and havnt.


“Hold on a goddamn minute.” ?


I'd tell him it's completely unacceptable and you raised him to be smarter than that.


If the money's right....


Think about what most people do when you say do not do that. They do it anyway. The best is to let him learn for himself. You can gently guide him and help him find truth with the facts.


I'd take something like the Socratic approach. Ask him questions concerning the things make evangelism compelling. After a rich and honest discussion, one of us will be convinced.

I don;t think so. Neither will be convinced and one or both will end up angry

@barak Anger is one of the seven steps, isn't it? Therefore it's the beginning. If we're talking about my son, I wouldn't give up so easily.

@Hicks66 Well forgive me, you only
mentioned ONE discussion.

@barak I consider it one discussion in several stages. Quibbling? Maybe. But I'm glad you sought clarification rather than leaving it be.

@Hicks66 7 steps? 7 steps to what? you've piqued my curiosity...

@crazycurlz 7 steps of grief. I think the third one is anger.

barak, I think you must ask questions and not supply or insist upon (correct?) answers. The desired response to questions is to make the person being questioned question their position. (Who's on first?)


What you resist persists


How old? Old enough to make decisions? Mother involved? Lot of variables.


Good luck with that. Do what your heart says to do.

SamL Level 7 Apr 12, 2018

Stone him to death--it's Biblical.


Following or not following any religion is choice everyone should be allowed to make for him or herself. It's his choice to make. It might be permanent or temporary. Be there for him when he needs you regardless of whatever decision he makes on this subject. (just my 2 cents)


If you are truly an agnostic, don't you at least have to entertain the thought that they might not be wrong. After all, we don't know.

you have to be a parent first, guide their thinking, challenge them to challenge themselves. you can't leave your own kid hanging, with his thoughts unchallenged.


You say, "What dat chit uon, man?"

godef Level 7 Apr 12, 2018

I would say, "Boy, what the hell is wrong with you?"


I would sit him down and ask him many probing questions about what he understands about the ideology he is buy in to. The choice is his. Your job is make sure that he is making an informed choice.


Swat them with a rolled up newspaper, and tell them, "NO! Bad teenager! BAD!!"?



'Holy Shit!'
Sadly, I'm not kidding.
When my son was in pre-school the kids next door told him Jesus was in the clouds, looking down at them every day...serious bullshit. I took him outside and we looked at the clouds and we didn't see anyone up there.
Hope you go at this hard (NOT hard on him but don't be wishy-washy, tell him what you want for him, what you believe and why this concerns you assuming it does). Regularly engage him: find out why it's appealling, who's the influence? What is happening in his life that he's connecting in that way? I really think that if a kid has someone to help them through, they don't buy into bullshit and evangelism IS bullshit. Evangelism is cultish. The parent has to be dilligent, it may not clear up with one discussion and he might go this route anyway. Hope you give us some followup, Nevadarich.


Point him to people whose lives have been ruined by it?‍. Remind him he only gets one life, and encourage him not to waste it on insanity...?


Who is she?

mzee Level 7 Apr 12, 2018
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