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It's Friday the 13. AAhhgggg!!!
Who's superstitious? and to what degree?
I don't actually believe in fate or superstitions, but I still have fun with them and even follow a few.
I don't walk under a ladder, but that just seems wise.
(I also knock on wood - I know, I know... )
Have at it - what do you do??

scurry 9 Apr 13

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Remeber that the FSM says that every Friday is a holiday and that it really likes when it is a 13🙂

Excellent Point! I crave pasta.


Friday the 13th is still better than any Monday


Darn, that was a disappointment. No ghostly sightings, no bumps in the night. Not even a machete wielding maniac intent on killing nubile teenagers. Nada. I'm a ghost free zone, apparently.

Although I once pissed off a Canadian friend - who is an engineer and about the most rational person I know - by tossing some spilled salt over my shoulder. Complete theatrics on my part, but she took it seriously.

LOL - I might know your Canadian engineer friend. LOL
Dammit - nothing here either... yet.
Although I did tally up someone's invoice incorrectly - is that bad luck??
Seems pretty tame, I got off easy. Knock on wood...

@scurry As I always say, no one got hurt and there was no property damage, so that's all good.


I suppose if I were a templar I'd be freaking out today.

Do they have a thing for the number 13 paired with Fridays?

I think Friday the 13th was a day mark by an attack on Templar barracks and homes by the Roman Catholic Churches because of the power and wealth they had gained in the middle east.

@MartinG feeakin' RC Churches.
Doesn't sound like a very Christian thing to do...


I always think of the airline company that a year or two ago had flight #666 going to HEL on Friday the 13th. Apparently tickets didn't sell well, so their engineers edited the computer code so that it will never give that flight number again.


Oh Man - I think I would book just so that I COULD go on that flight.



I don't do anything !


I still worry over spilled salt.


Monday the 13ths are scarier. LOL



I realy don't thnk I have any superstitions left.

As a child, I had a lot of them, but then I was being indoctrinated into religion as a child and "magical thinking" seemed normal them.

Once I gave up religion and magical thinking the superstitions just seemed silly.


I had the neighborhood black cat walk ahead of me going up the stairs to my apartment this morning. He escorted me all the way to my front door. I think he wanted in! Cute kitty. But no, I'm not falling for that superstition nonesense. What a burden!!

Ha ha - This black cat just wanted some love...
Yes - too much work to be superstitious. LOL

@scurry Everyone in the apartment complex pets him. He's spoiled rotten!


Only from a very narrow dating perspective. The Julian Day is: 2458222. From a sidereal time, it's much different.


(Oldie...still goodie) oh I am not superstitious because that bring nothing but bad luck !!! ??


Not a problem for me. My birthday is September 13 every year.

Hopefully you don't get the "Crusader" treatment every 7 years.....


.....I have a black cat. So on Friday 13ths I tend to phuck with my wife (and anyone else in range), everytime the cat (Raven) walks buy, I shout, "Holy $#!%! there's a black cat and it's Friday the 13th!" Yeah... I know. Not really funny unless you're the one I scare the crap out of when I shout.

Happy Friday y'all!

Ha ha - that's awesome!
That's to sort of think I do too.
Give Raven a little head scratch for me. 😉

That's right "happy Friday" - if it's Friday, it can't be all bad 😀


I guess that is why it is snowing today


It's interesting how people feel about superstitions. I had a friend who became visibly shaken when my black cat would come in the room.

Cats in general can have that effect on people.
I always worry about the neighbourhood 'black cats' on Halloween - thinking that they might be a target.
Poor little guys.


Is another normal day

Rosh Level 7 Apr 13, 2018
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