During the Quebec Covid curfew, you're allowed to walk outside with your dog so...
"Quebec couple hit with curfew-violation fine after wife walks husband on a leash | CTV News" [montreal.ctvnews.ca]
I heard that someone else got caught for curfew violation AND drunk driving!
Now, all she has to prove in court is that her husband is a dog.
Such a Quebecois thing to do, lol. Also the reason why the government has had to get tough, Quebecers just want to do what they want, rules be damned.
Sounds very rural US
In Canada, if you want to go to jail, you drop your candy wrapper, in the states you either break into the Capitol building or walk down the street while black....
@Canndue Possibly true about Canada but we were talking about Quebec, were we not? lol
My wife is a Montrealer and I remember flying in to attend a funeral for one of her family, we get off the plane and while waiting for our bags to come out on the conveyor belt, everybody starts lighting up cigarettes. No Smoking signs everywhere but nobody cared and security said nothing, one of the signs had a burn mark where a smoker had put out their cigarette.
@Surfpirate ah the radical Quebecois....
I live in NY but very close to Quebec and Ontario. The Quebec crowd are awful.